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OPINION: Here’s a list of USF’s best and worst bathrooms

Duty called, it’s jealous of the restrooms in the Honors College building. ORACLE PHOTO/MIKAYLA WILINSKY

As an introvert, bathrooms are my safe space. They have been places for me to isolate and decompress when social situations get too overwhelming.

Throughout my time at USF, I’ve found much comfort in the bathrooms on campus during times where I just needed to get away.

After going on a ladies’ bathroom excursion, in which I visited numerous academic buildings on campus, I settled on a select few that I have deemed my favorites.

This list is determined by convenience, availability of stalls, aesthetic and personal preference of course.

Groundbreaking journalism on my behalf, I know.

Cooper Hall first floor


The location of Cooper’s first floor ladies room is super convenient as it’s right by the entrance, which is tucked behind a wall so this bathroom is rarely busy.

What makes this Cooper restroom one of my favorites is its vintage pink tiles. Its toilets are also mounted comically high, which gives me a good chuckle every time.

Education Building first floor


I wanted to keep this one for myself because it’s one of my personal favorites, but at the end of the day it’s just a bathroom.

I tend to have classes scheduled in the Education building, so I frequent this bathroom a lot. 

This bathroom is usually empty, which makes it the perfect spot for mirror selfies, makeup touch-ups and emotional breakdowns. 

Juniper Dining Hall


Of all the dining centers, Juniper undoubtedly has the best restrooms. The stalls outnumber the ones at The Hub, and its functioning toilets upstages Argos Exchange.

Most of the time this bathroom is completely empty, and during the school year music can be heard playing from the dining hall.

Since Juniper doesn’t have a bathroom INSIDE the dining area, this one is the most convenient if you are in that area.

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Juniper wins bonus points for having a gender neutral bathroom next to the gendered ones. We love to see it. 

Library second floor


After touring one restroom from each floor of the library, I decided this one is the best. 

It’s the least busy in the library and is one of the many on campus that offers free feminine products, which are super helpful (when it is stocked).

Related: Free organic menstrual product dispensers installed on USF Tampa campus

Judy Genshaft Honors College


It feels like a given that this would be the most impressive restroom on campus, as the Honors College was just recently completed.

This one had no business being so opulent. It still looks unused. 

If you’re looking to potty in style, this is your spot.

Related: USF complies to new bathrooms rules mandated by state

In compiling these lists, overall cleanliness wasn’t a deciding factor or huge issue. 

The Building Services team is responsible for servicing 621 public restrooms across the Tampa campus’s educational and general spaces. They work day and night to keep USF’s restroom facilities squeaky clean. 

Restroom maintenance includes disinfecting surfaces, refilling supplies, emptying trash and cleaning the floors. 

If restroom maintenence issues are encountered, students and employees are encouraged to use the Facilities Support Portal. This can be accessed through MyUSF or by visiting the Office of Administrative Services page and clicking on Request Service.

Whether you are seeking a bathroom that is an isolating sanctuary or in need of a good “fit check” in the mirror, the bathrooms at USF have you covered.

Ultimately, don’t let this list decide where you choose to do your business. 

When you gotta go, you gotta go.