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USF’s thoughts on Tuesday’s attacks

A letter from Provost S. David Stamps

Wednesday morning, we returned to daily business while Tuesday?s nightmare is still unfolded before us. My sympathy goes out to the many people who were injured or who lost friends and family in this national catastrophe.

Few if any of us are untouched by the ramifications of this tragic event.

Even as we mourn, we must remember that as academic leaders, teachers and scholars we have an important responsibility.

More than ever, we need to set an example of calm and reasoned response, assisting our students to maintain a climate that values open dialogue and rational discussion. This is not the time to lash out in anger or to foster hatred for our neighbors. Indeed, others will be looking to us for explanation and understanding, and we must not let them down.

As we all know, this is a watershed moment, which will not be ?over? soon. We do not know how events will develop as we learn more about the causes and implications of the tragedy. But we owe it to our students to allow time and space for both mourning and debate in an environment of mutual respect and freedom. These are the values for which our university and our nation must continue to stand.

Thank you.

S. David Stamps,Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs

A letter from USF Student Government

Fellow Students,

Sept. 11 will be a day that shall forever be etched in our minds for the rest of our lives. Although we were not in New York, Washington D.C. or Pennsylvania, we as Americans have been affected by today?s events. Unfortunately, some of us were affected more than others.

We, in Student Government want every one of you to know that we are here for you. If you need someone to talk to, we have professional counselors on call ready to speak to you at any time.

We also want you to know that USF is extremely safe and we will continue to have Safe Team running as a service of transport and comfort. The staff of USF has been and will continue working, on your behalf, through this tough and difficult time.

As we move on we must now pull together to do everything we can to help our beloved nation. We must not point fingers and we must remain rational in talking about the past events. We are all Bulls here, and as such, we must maintain the utmost respect for each other.

As the nation now tries to pick up the pieces and go on with its life we as Americans must now unite to do our part. Student Government will be organizing a blood drive so we all can do our part and help the nation?s dwindling blood supply.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Student Government at 974-2402.


Mike Griffin,
Student Body President
Sammy Kalmowicz,
Student Government Senate President

War at home, war in the world

I would never in my wildest nightmare imagine that such acts of terrorism would take place in this country or anywhere else in the world.

But they did.

We have to learn to live with the horrible memories of innocent victims sucked out of windows of a hundred plus story World Trade Center, our soldiers are being killed in peace time. Not only us, but the rest of the world have to learn live with it. In many countries such as Israel, Turkey and Egypt, people have learned to live with it for decades. And those countries and other allies will help us to hunt those who are responsible.

But destruction at such a scale had never been witnessed by any other country. Terribly, Americans had to bear the biggest loss as a result of international terrorism.

However, against all odds, we will rebuild another World Trade Center, we will fix the broken wing of the Pentagon, we will heal our wound, and we have resources and will recover from financial loss of this act of terrorism. However, it is questionable whether we will ever recover our way of life, our freedom to be open and ability to give benefit of doubt.

If we lost those values that made America what it is, terrorists will succeed. We cannot let them succeed. Their main target was not the financial or humanitarian loss that we can recover eventually as a strong nation, but our freedom and American way of life. We must not let this happen. We must show them we can stand together, as Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists or members of other faiths.

There is not a single world state (civilized one) that is not behind the United States to fight against terrorism of that scale. World Trade Center was an international location; there were offices of companies from 24 countries in the world.

Victims of the WTC attack were from all backgrounds, nationalities and religions. But I do not believe terrorists belong to any faith, no matter what they might claim to be. No matter what the outcome of these terrorist acts, when we fight against them, we must always remember that fact.

As a student in a multicultural educational institution I found the necessity to mention this.

Polat Aydin is a post-graduate student majoring in business administration.