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Al-Najjar safe but unhappy in new home, Al-Arian says

Sami Al-Arian said Tuesday his brother-in-law and former USF adjunct professor Mazen Al-Najjar is settled in his new country but not at all happy to be there.
ìHe is safe. He is very anxious to leave where he is,î Al-Arian said. ìHe doesnít know anybody there. Heís just extremely alone.î
Al-Najjar was deported from the United States to Lebanon in August after spending most of the past five years in prison, accused by the government of having terrorist connections. But the Lebanese government was unhappy that Al-Najjar was left, or as Al-Arian calls it ìdumped,î on its soil.
On Sept. 18, Lebanon deported Al-Najjar. The Lebanese newspaper As Safir reported that Al-Najjar had been sent to Iran, but the family refused to release the name of Al-Najjarís new country, which, Al-Arian said, was what Al-Najjar requested.
Al-Arian said he had not directly spoken to Al-Najjar but had learned of his condition through his sister, who lives in Lebanon. Al-Arian said the family is currently working to find Al-Najjar a new home in either a friendly Arab country or an English-speaking country. He said the family hopes Al-Najjar will be moved in the next few weeks.
Al-Arian said the ordeal has been difficult on Al-Najjarís wife and children in Tampa. He said once Al-Najjar has found a permanent home, the family will be forced to make a decision on whether to relocate.
ì(They are) very concerned, very distraught and very exhausted,î Al-Arian said. ìWe really donít know whatís going to happen to them.î
Al-Arian said Al-Najjarís children, who were born in the United States, have been particularly affected by his deportation.
ìThe kids have been devastated with this experience,î Al-Arian said. ìHeís not even close by.î