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SG to keep bowl promise despite distance

Despite a possible bowl appearance more than 3,000 miles away, Student Government is going through with its original plan to help send students to Hawaii, Student Senate president Mike Berman said Wednesday night.

“We’re still going to send students to the game,” Berman said. “The response has been overwhelming.”

The cost issue is still unclear, but if USF goes to Hawaii, SG will be able to start planning the costs of the packages for the students.

“We still don’t know all the information,” Berman said. “Now that we know where we might go, we might know.”

With fall semester classes ending Dec. 6, one big issue is how to get the word out to students during the holiday break.

“MoBull Messenger contacted us wanting to help out,” Berman said. “The Athletic Association is going to help us out. We have contacted the external media and are sending e-mails to all the list-servs, trying to get the word out. We are also going to put out flyers and posters all over campus.”

There was concern that SG members will be able to be first in line to sign up for this discount once the package is in place. According to Berman, that isn’t the case.

“We haven’t signed anyone up because we don’t know much yet,” Berman said. “We also wanted to make sure that the student body knew first, not just Student Government. There are people who are interested, but at the moment, there are no advance lists in any way, shape or form. We wanted to make sure no one has priority on this.”

Regarding the discount package for the students, Berman said Student Government doesn’t have any information yet. The discount will be available to students only, excluding administrators.

Berman expressed confidence about his package deal for the students. Once everything is set in place, students can begin to sign up.

“Unless we hit a snag, it’s a go,” Berman said.