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Letters to the Editor 3/21

True supporters would make sacrifices

The lines are very well divided: Those who support this war, and those who do not. I am firmly a war protester. I believe that this war is needless, that proper diplomatic action was not taken and the president does not understand what he is doing.

I receive quite a bit of criticism for this. But this is not about me. A great deal of people call themselves war supporters. Anyone who calls themselves supporters of this action and are also reading this paper are liars.

You cannot say that you fully support this action and remain in the United States, living your happy little life. If you truly want to be a supporter, you still have several things you need to do.

First, go out and find an Army, or any other military branch, recruiter you’d like. Then, sign up. And when you’ve been shipped out to Iraq to fight, you shall be a supporter of this war.

So, until you are in Iraq, don’t you dare call yourself a supporter of the war.

Rebecca Meyer is majoring in secondary social sciences education.

Stop protesting and show support

It is my opinion, and my opinion alone, that the individuals who make up the editorial board of The Oracle are staunchly left-leaning, anti-Bush liberals. I say this not only because of the editorial board’s position on the Iraq issue but also their positions on other social issues relevant to present day.

With that having been said, my next comments are aimed at those individuals who wish to further dispute the legitimacy of the war we are now engaged in. Close your mouths. No one wants to hear your anti-war banter when many of us have relatives proudly serving in our armed forces. This is not the Vietnam War. Now is the time to cease your pointless yapping and stand behind our flag and our troops, whether you agree with the president’s policy or not.

Oh, and one more thing while I unleash my fury — if you will recall, the last time the French asked for more evidence, it rolled over them in Panzer tanks carrying the Nazi flag. It would be in France’s interest not to stick up for the wrong side. As an international body, the United Nations has proven that it is simply a forum for bickering with no ability to enforce its own resolutions. Shame on it.

If, as a nation, you can’t get with the program and see the big picture, then no, I have no respect for you. Those who I do respect are the Iraqi soldiers who actually have the intestinal fortitude to lay down their arms and surrender before they get killed in battle by the onslaught of American military might. May God have mercy on those who choose to support that lunatic of a dictator, Saddam Hussein. The hour of reckoning is upon them. Bombs away.

Jeffrey D. Oliveira is a junior majoring in political science.

War should never have been an option

I object, strongly and without reservation, to the war against Iraq. There are two main reasons for this objection. One relates to the safety of the troops, the other to the sorry state this will leave the United States in as an international power.

American troops are among our most valuable resources. With a number of friends who have served in the military, I know that the armed services are an honorable and commendable body of men and women who truly represent some of the best that America has to offer. Why waste them on a second or third rate dictator who has been essentially out of international politics since the Persian Gulf War? American troops are part of American defense. What part of this invasion is about defense? Osama bin Laden was as vociferous in his dislike of Saddam Hussein as he was against the United States. When did these two combine to pose a threat?

Sending American troops to the region is, of course, moot. The troops are there and the commitment of troops is inevitable because of the stubborn foolishness of our president and his administration.

The United States embarked on a process of international coalition building in the wake of the ruinous World War I. It took us until World War II to realize that without international coalitions of diplomacy, war would continue to wreck the best efforts of even the strongest countries. The first war in the Persian Gulf was a success because there was broad international support for action. The efforts to bring peace to other regions of the world have succeeded or failed to the extent that groups of nations have worked together. Who are our allies in this fight? Britain, Bulgaria and Spain? Poland? Australia? It is notable that there are major allies who have denounced our efforts. France, Germany and Russia have all voiced strident disapproval. Tony Blair’s own seat as prime minister might even be at risk. Dissent in his own party and resignations in his own cabinet show that support is far from unanimous in our strongest ally. The efforts of previous American presidents Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman and even the elder George Bush, have all been cast to the wind by this foolish squandering of national credibility.

Voicing protest against the powerful in a society is never easy, but it is sometimes necessary. I only hope that the wisdom of our nation’s true leaders, the people of the United States, will trump the poor, stubborn judgment of our misguided chief executive.

E.J. Ford is a Ph.D. student majoring in anthropology.

War protesters ignore Saddam’s tactics

America has put its foot down. Saddam’s evil regime has its days numbered and the Iraqi people will soon be liberated. Unlike the anti-war side, I believe all peaceful options to avoid war were used. It was truly the last option. Sometimes war is the only way to do the right thing.

The past few days, I have read in The Oracle that President George W. Bush is an unelected president, waging an unjust war. This is completely ridiculous and saying that Bush wasn’t elected is not even relevant. He was elected, and the U.S. Supreme Court held up the result. Would you rather have a president who steals the office by creating a scheme of counting bubbled chads in only a few Democratic counties? Yes, you probably would.

Now, on to relevant topics: The war going on is a justified one. Saddam disregarded the United Nations for 12 years and the United States has finally said enough is enough. This regime tortures and murders its people in the most horrifying ways. It has weapons of mass destruction that have been used on its own people. How can the anti-war side just turn its back on those facts? Do they not think that Saddam would use these weapons against the United States and its interests at sometime? Do they not believe that the Iraqi people deserve the right to live in peace and not under an evil dictator?

Look, war is waging right now. Hopefully, victory will come sooner rather than later. Whether you are on the right or left, you should support the troops of this country. I think we all can agree on that.

Jason Hash is a junior majoring in political science.