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Israeli psychologist to give insight on war

As a psychologist in Israel, Yitzhak Irwin Mansdorf works with terrorist victims in Israel and the United States. When he is not counseling victims, Mansdorf lends his experience with Middle Eastern conflicts to those in the United States.

Mansdorf speaks tonight in the Phyllis P. Marshall Center Ballroom at 5:30 to discuss the shared values of the United States and Israel pertaining to freedom and democracy.

Mansdorf has developed systems of intervention in dealing with terror and war-related stress. He also directs the Israel Citizens Information Council, an independent grass-roots organization with a strong relationship to Minister Natan Sharansky.

“Mansdorf will emphasize the shared hope between the United States and Israel with their democracy,” said Iris Sela, member of the Caravan for Democracy.

The Caravan for Democracy is an organization that works to expand the dialogue on college campuses about the struggles of Israeli democracy in the Middle East, according to its Web site.

“Caravan for Democracy brings Israeli speakers to campuses to discuss the shared values of freedom and democracy that connect Israel to the United States and to talk about current issues,” said Tara Harned, the National Campus Coordinator of the Jewish National Fund College Activists Department.

With the case of former professor Sami Al-Arian and the war in Iraq, Sela said the organization wanted to bring a speaker to USF who could broaden the students’ perspectives on foreign relations.

Harned said Mansdorf was selected from a roster of Israeli speakers who are available to offer various perspectives on issues pertaining to Israel and the United States.

After the lecture, Mansdorf will have a question and answer session.

For security purposes, anyone interested in attending the lecture must register at the Caravan for Democracy Web site . Personal identification will be checked and no backpacks are allowed for admittance.