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Letters to the Editor

New security program to be implemented
Re: Letter “Theft of wheels no laughing matter” Mar. 1

As a Student Government senator, I would like to assure you that efforts are being taken by SG to find a solution to this problem. We would be very happy to help any interested student get involved in helping to make USF parking lots a safer place to leave our vehicles.

Senate has created an ad-hoc committee called the Protect Our Vehicles and Safety Committee (POVS). Since January, we have been working with the University Police, SAFE Team and the Resident Hall Association to find a way to stop parking lot vandalism. Unfortunately, since cameras in the parking lots would be far too expensive to fund ($10,000 per camera), we’ve worked hard to find an alternative solution. All three organizations have been extremely helpful, and the proposal we have constructed is as follows:

We will create a program tentatively named SAFE Park. SAFE Team golf carts will be used by SAFE Park to actively monitor the parking lots in which the most vandalism occurs according to the statistics compiled by the UP. UP has graciously offered to create a training program for SAFE Park employees and volunteers, so that when they encounter vandalism in progress, they will know not to approach the suspect and what steps to take.

Each golf cart will be equipped with a walkie-talkie that will serve as a direct line to the UP, so that when a crime is in progress, the UP can be alerted immediately and respond quickly enough to catch the suspect. The details are being worked out in the committee, and the program will go before the SG Senate for approval within the next few weeks.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions, suggestions or if you are interested in getting involved. We are all very accessible through e-mail, and our e-mail addresses are listed on the SG Web site, .

I would like to extend an open invitation to all students who have concerns about anything on campus. SG is here to serve every student at this university, and it is our duty to be proactive in finding solutions to problems such as the parking lot vandalism situation. We are here for you, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with SG. After all, it’s your tuition money, it’s your campus and it’s your SG.

Brandon Faza is a SG senator for the College of Arts and Sciences and SG presidential candidate.

Subservient women role a thing of the past

We’ve all seen them: the guys carrying large banners and screaming that we’re all going to Hell. Most of us just sigh and keep heading to class. Monday, I was inclined to stop and listen for a moment at their ranting.

Apparently, God is very angry and wants to send me to Hell at the quickest time possible. Why? Because I’m a woman. According to these two men, the only purpose of women is for bearing children and cooking meals. They also claim that God hates women who have ambition. When they found out I want to work for NASA, they sealed my condemnation to Hell.

I thought these antiquated ideas died out decades ago. Apparently I was mistaken. I cannot believe that men such as these are “preaching” that women are substandard and should be treated as such. I do not remember encountering such backward ideals.

While no person is better than another, neither is one destined to be subservient to another.

I don’t believe that telling people that they’re worthless is a good way to have them agree with you. I hope that all students who encounter such “men of God” choose to ignore their very presence as well as their backward ideals and interpretations.

Rebecca Meyer is a sophomore majoring in library and information sciences.