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Letters to the Editor

Students expose lack of interest in SG
Re: “Another Tangle of Horns” March 16

I would like to congratulate the Election Rules Committee for successfully turning the student body presidential race into a political fiasco.

Beginning with Mike Mincberg and Christi Clements, the ERC disqualified two students passionate about the betterment of our already struggling university. For the amount of students who are already ashamed of attending such an institution of mediocrity, I’m surprised our student leaders would even consider disqualifying two students willing to devote a year of their lives toward this university’s benefit.

Imagine that, giving back to the school with terrible customer service, loads of bureaucracy and funding spread thin.

Yet again, the ERC is contemplating reprimanding two more potential student leaders. Job well done, ERC. It’s no wonder there’s such a shortage of students willing to run for a seat on the senate. I wouldn’t want to be associated with Student Government either. Don’t get me wrong — I give respect to those students actually working toward the greater good. Unfortunately though, by the ERC’s ruling, I, as a USF student, am unable to tell the difference between any two things.

My initial reaction was to post a sign in front of the ERC’s office featuring a giant middle finger. However, I would have had to take that down for fear I might infringe upon a copyright.

Mikel Jorgensen is a junior majoring in communication.

Over the past few weeks, I have read about Student Government and all the problems they are being faced with, such as campaign problems and lack of participation in the senate. I think that the lack of respect and participation from our students has to do with the fact that SG is not doing its job.

SG is not doing its job representing the student body, but in fact is wasting valuable time on meaningless issues such as their campaign logo power trip. As students, we would like to see devote its time to try to fix the problems that affect their constituents, like rising tuition costs and lack of parking for students.

I think that we as student body see that SG is wasting both its time and ours by pursuing these issues. In my opinion the lack of students running for senate is because of these problems. No one wants to run for a government position in a government that wastes its time and accomplishes nothing.

I am a close friend of both Mike Mincberg and J.P. Murphy and I know they both care about this university and what the students want. To disqualify a great candidate and trouble another with such ridiculous charges just goes to show the students that the SG is walking the wrong path.

I think whichever candidate wins this election will be better than what we have now, and I only encourage them to worry about real issues and not pointless matters that don’t affect the student body one way or another.

Kyle Kettinger is a senior majoring in political science.

Celebrate meaning, not stereotypes
Re: “Everybody can be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day” March 16

Grace Agostin’s column was a sloppy collection of stereotypes that would have been offensive if it wasn’t so short sighted and ridiculous. Instead of writing something meaningful about St. Patty’s Day, which may have taken some effort and research, she took the easy way out and lumped all Irish people into the “Drunk potato-eating Mick” stereotype. The only stereotype she seems to have missed is the one about Irish people liking to fight.

Her column should have been called “The idiot’s guide to St. Patrick’s Day.”

March is women’s history month. According to Agostin’s logic, we should celebrate it by being irritable for a week and driving poorly.

Sticking feathers up your butt doesn’t make you a chicken, and getting drunk on St. Patrick’s Day doesn’t make you Irish. More interesting commentary on Irish culture could have been derived from a Bennigan’s menu.

Also, U2 is not the “greatest rock group to come out of Ireland,” that would be The Pogues; U2 is just more popular.

Stephen Bedell is a junior majoring in political science.