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Get it done during Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is this week, and roughly nine out of 10 people who read this column are looking forward to going home, eating good food and spending time with family.

This will be the first time many freshmen will be going home to more than just their immediate families since beginning college. Our cheeks could get pinched, our stomachs filled with delicious food, and we will be asked about our college experiences thus far.

It also means that we are getting closer and closer to finals week and the end of the semester. We have papers to write, projects to turn in and tests to study for. The holidays are truly a stressful time.

Many students try to get work out of the way before they go home for the break. They might be putting the finishing touches on that paper they have had weeks to work on or are just meeting with a group for a project that was assigned at the beginning of the semester. But what do you know — it’s due right after the break.

If completing the assignment under pressure, rushing won’t complete the homework in a polished manner. Take time when working, and be sure to take breaks.

However, if students are unable to finish by the time the family is ready to sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, an idea would be to bring some work home to complete. I know, I know. No one wants to do homework over a holiday break. But it is an excuse to get away from those relatives who just won’t let up about a haircut or manner of dress.

Those who decide to do schoolwork while at home should take pleasure in the amenities they have missed while being here — a residence hall can only feel so much like home. Sleep late in one’s own bed. Take a bath and enjoy being without a roommate.

There’s also mother’s home cooking. Whether having a traditional Thanksgiving with a turkey and stuffing or doing it vegetarian style, eat up. Smile with the knowledge that mom’s pumpkin pie won’t be consumed on a cafeteria tray.

Take part in family activities. If little sister asks big sister to play Barbie, humor her and do so. If big brother wants to shoot hoops, make an effort to beat him at the game. If the grandparents want to ramble about the latest addition to their thimble collection, at least pretend to listen.

Enjoy the extended amount of time available and engage in conversation with the entire family. They will want to hear about college experiences both academic and social. Let them know how chemistry class is going, but avoid letting them know about that party you went to. Don’t play angel, but some things are better left unsaid.

And if the parents do not mind, bring as much laundry home as possible. Revel in the idea that five loads of laundry can be done without having to spend money and being able to leave the laundry unattended (unless cruel siblings intervene, that is).

Those bored with family and schoolwork this Thanksgiving should make plans with friends who are home from college as well. This break will be the first time many of us will be home at the same time as friends who have gone off to college, so schedule some time with old friends. If unable to see everyone, don’t worry. Winter break is right around the corner.

Enjoy Thanksgiving break. Get rested and ready for finals week. And for goodness sake, eat plenty of delicious food and be thankful.

Olivia Hattan is a freshman majoring in mass communications.