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Your goals are within reach

Making goals is one thing, but sticking to them and actually reaching them is something that is uncommon for students, says Debra Hoogestraat, a professional life coach in New York.

Dan Hunter, a USF student, said that he sets a goal every year and has never been able to reach it, or let alone remember it.

“This year, I want it to be different. My goal is to get good grades, and I am going to stick to it,” Hunter said.

There are many ways to help you reach your goals in life. Try renaming them. Instead of making it sound like a “task,” call it something else like, “a change in your lifestyle.”

Make sure your changes are reachable and within practicality. Unreasonable goals will not only be frustrating but may lower your self-esteem.

Try contacting a life coach for yourself. A life coach is a person who works one-on-one with you and the goals you want to reach.

“I help people clarify what their goals are and what obstacles they may be facing in pursuit of their goal by helping them create strategies to break through them,” Hoogestraat said.

One of Hoogestraat’s pet peeves is when people get excited about a specific goal and then a week later give up and forget about it.

“It’s another hit against their selfesteem. If you keep on doing the smallest things towards, the New Year’s resolutions, even if it’s just cutting back on eating only one Reeses versus the two, then that’s great, it’s one step closer. Each step solidifies in you that you can do it. Over time what happens is that your identity changes, all of a sudden you’re not that person who is over weight, you feel different.”

As for your grades, use this advice as a motive. Try taking things one step at a time. Try doing your homework even though it won’t be collected; it might help improve your skills.

Hoogestraat said, “You want to keep yourself accountable, keeping your goals in front of you at all times –because if you put them away you will forget them, they will be out of your own vision.”

Hoogestraat once weighed 320 pounds, until she made her own goal.

She made a commitment to herself to change her identity.

“First, you have a support group, people who are of like mind to you, they either have lost the weight or want to loose the weight — or someone who has like goals. Success always leads clues — always,”

Hoogestraat said that “buddying up” with someone who hasn’t lost the weight gives you a better chance of not learning from them. If you find a success story within your friends, use them and then they will teach you what they have done so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel of giving up.

Hoogestraat said, “Find someone you want to be like. Like a singer or actress. Then, think what do they do to be the way they are. Lessons, working out, etc. Then follow their lead.”

Goals can be met if you take them one step at a time. It will make you a better person inside and out. Your identity will change, and you will feel more confident in yourself.

“I am not only going to get better grades, I am going to focus on using my time more wisely. I think if I start at that, things will become much easier,” Hunter said.