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Lonesome love

Love is in the air and Cupid seems to be shooting arrows left and right. However, Cupid does not have everyone on his radar this Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day is deemed the most romantic day of the year, giving couples the opportunity to take this one day to show their significant other, as well as what seems like the rest of the world, how much they are in love. It also gives singles the reminder that they do not have someone to shower with flowers and gifts.

In 2004, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 95.7 million Americans were unmarried and single. This statistic is made up of 43 percent of all U.S. citizens over the age of 15. When Valentine’s Day rolls around though, they probably feel like the only single people in the world.

“Valentine’s Day is not too exciting when a person is single, at least in my perspective. On the other hand, when you are in a relationship, it’s the perfect time to spend that day with the person that you care about most,” freshman Natalie Wright said.

Others, like freshman Danny Harrison, don’t seem to have a problem with the single life.

“I don’t really mind being single on Valentine’s Day. It just gives me more time to think about more important matters, rather than worrying about the amount of chocolate to give my date,” Harrison said.

For those living the single life, Valentine’s Day is sometimes referred to as “Singles-Awareness Day,” ironically spelling the acronym SAD. Singles everywhere would rather refer to Feb. 14 in this way.

“(Valentine’s Day) serves as a reminder that you are single and still in the journey of looking for that right person, or in some cases, the right-now person. So, as a single person, it is a day of being down for that fact but a furtherance of your search for that person,” senior Ivan Viamontes said.

So what’s a guy or girl to do on this day of love and relationships? Before making any plans, think about whom you may want to spend the day with. Go out with the girls? Chill with the guys? Take some time to yourself?

“For those of us who are single, I suggest doing something you have never done before. Enjoy being single and the freedom that comes along with it,” sophomore Tara Casimir said.

For females, today is a great opportunity to have a girl’s night out with some best friends. Dressing up for a night out with the girls may be just what you need to get your mind off of being single.

“Some of my single girlfriends and I are going to a club that we have never been to. Beforehand, we are planning on having a potluck dinner,” Casimir said.

For males, this day is probably like every other day. But try considering taking the chance of having a guy’s night out.

“If I don’t find a date for Valentine’s, I think I might go out with some of my friends for dinner and just hang out,” Harrison said.

If you want to spend the evening with a special someone and you are single, take a good friend out to dinner. Or if you want to be really adventurous, ask that person whom you’ve had your eye on for a while.

“See what is available out there. If there is anyone you like, try to test the waters and see if the feeling is mutual,” Viamontes said.

Don’t write the evening off just because you are single. If you have been invited to a party or gathering, make the effort to go. If there is nothing going on, make something happen. According to, a Web site dedicated to helping others become happier with their lives, if you have the resources and space, throw a party for your single friends.

“Have every invitee bring a guest. You’re likely to meet new people and have fun doing so,” the Web site stated.

This Web site offers several suggestions on what to do when people are flying solo. One of the more economical and fun ideas is to create cards for friends.

Another suggestion offered by the Web site was, “Draw names and trade Valentines with your friends. They can be fun or silly, but they are a great way to solidify your friendships.”

If you do not feel like going out with a group of friends, it is possible to enjoy the day on your own., a Web site dedicated to love and relationships, offers a few ideas for anyone who wants to keep to themselves on this day. One example is putting your creative energies to good use.

“Paint a picture, grab a camera and take photos of your city, make a craft you’ve been meaning to try, or cook that dish you’ve been wanting to. Whatever it is, find something you really have been wanting to try but haven’t, for whatever reason,” the Web site stated. also suggests spending the evening pampering yourself or even sitting in front of your computer.

“Order take-out, put on your favorite romantic music, wear your favorite comfy clothes and join your favorite online chat.”

If you are really against the holiday, you could spend your time letting everyone know., a personal domain out of England, has created a project that has been around since 2001, and has been featured in USA Today called “Be My Anti-Valentine.” This Web site allows its visitors to send e-cards to their friends with humorous messages against Valentine’s Day.

“Celebrate or commiserate by sending an anti-Valentine,” said Meg Pickard, the creator of the project, on the project’s main page, .

Whatever you end up doing on this day of love, make sure you do something. The last thing you want to do is feel sorry for yourself. Being single on Valentine’s Day doesn’t mean you don’t have someone to love. Celebrate with your friends and family and remember to enjoy the day like it was any other day.

Casimir offers this advice to anyone who is single: “Valentine’s Day is not a big deal in college. With many people with significant others who do not go here, it’s almost as if this day is like any other day. Instead of drowning your single sorrows in ice cream or torturing yourself with romantic movies, get out and have some fun.”