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Cost of getting the point across

While campaigns are in full swing, the Election Rules Committee has its hands full with rule violations. Charlie Eder, deputy supervisor of elections, describes the many infractions that candidates have experienced thus far, from chalking too early to misusing Student Government resources, resulting in the assessment of point.

Each campaign has been assessed from two to five points. The rules allow a total of 10 before a ticket is disqualified. The majority of infractions consist of violating the temporary campus signage policy (10.3.5).

Brandon Faza and Brittany Link’s campaign has been assessed a total of four points: 2 points for chalking before approval to campaign (SG statute 3.2.1), and 2 for a violation of the temporary campus signage policy (10.3.5).

Mike Johnson and Kyle Myers campaign was assessed 2 points for a violation of the e-mail policy (10.3.11). According to Eder, the candidates signed an agreement that only approved listservs on campus could be used for campaigning. “They have sent an e-mail to a specific organization’s listserv, which wasn’t one of the pre-approved,” Eder said.

Andrew Aubery and Jessica Asuncion was assessed 2 points for a violation of the temporary campus signage policy (10.3.5).

Maxon Victor and Sameer Ahmed’s campaign was assessed 5 points for a violation of using Student Government resources to promote their campaign (10.3.3). Eder said Maxon was handing out SG funded planners, possibly swaying potential voters.

“Obviously you can’t use your position in Student Government or anything that is funded by Student Government while you’re campaigning,” Eder said.

Silverlee Hernandez and Matt Couret’s campaign was assessed 5 points for a violation of failing to get campaign material approved (9.3).

Glenn Gilzean and Xavier Johnson’s campaign, were assessed 2 points for a violation of the temporary campus signage policy (10.3.5).

So far, only Gilzean and Johnson have petitioned to have their two points omitted. They are scheduled to appear in front of the SG Supreme Court Friday at 3 p.m.

“We feel due process wasn’t given to us,” Gilzean said.

According to Bill 60, the ERC is supposed to give a written warning before points are assessed. Gilzean said that didn’t happen, but that his campaign would cooperate.

“We are going to comply; we took the signs down already,” he said.

According to ERC deputy supervisor of elections, Charlie Eder, more grievances have been filed and are awaiting deliberation.

Staff Writer Gina Araya contributed to this report.