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USF opens its doors to the Blog scene

It seems everyone has a blog these days. Be it an assignment for a class to submit on Blackboard each week or a more personal online journal, blogs are everywhere.

A new program has been developed for blog-savvy students called blog@USF, which was developed through student Web pages. The program offers many advantages compared to antiquated systems in which students actually had to know how to use HTML and complicated software.

The new software has a basis in two open-source projects, Word Press and Gallery, which allow students to update their Web pages anytime and anywhere without having to know anything about formatting. There is also a digital photo album, making it simple to share pictures with family and friends.

The project has been introduced to the student body in stages over the course of the past month. Because the system is the first of its kind to be offered, the developers wanted to slowly introduce the program and get feedback from those who used it. An introductory e-mail has been sent out to about 75 percent of students, and the other 25 percent should be receiving one within a week.

Eric Pierce, chief developer and administrator for blog@USF, said that student response to the system is taking off.

“So far, the response has been very good and from reading the blog postings that have been written, people are excited about using the system,” We have even been contacted by a few other schools and organizations that would like to use the code for blog@USF in their projects.”

Emily Darnell, a freshman at USF, also feels that blog@USF is a good idea.

“The blog system is student-oriented, which creates a unique connection between the student body, something that we didn’t have before,” Darnell said.

To create a blog, students can log onto and click on “Create a Blog.” For information regarding blogging in general or the features of blog@USF, go to