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Obama set to deliver State of the Union address

WASHINGTON’ – President Barack Obama will try to move past rocky times for the nation and himself tonight in his first State of the Union address, offering a skeptical public repackaged plans to energize the economy, stem a tide of red ink and strengthen anti-terror defenses.

He’ll also be trying to revive his own ‘yes we can’ image.

One year into office, and a week after pledging to do’better at ‘speaking directly to the American people,’ Obama faces urgent challenges as he stands before lawmakers gathered in the Capitol and a prime-time television audience at home for the constitutionally mandated ritual of U.S. governing. The country has lost more than 7 million jobs since the recession began’two years ago, unemployment is stuck at 10 percent and the government is grappling with a record $1.4 trillion deficit.

Obama’s presidency is troubled as well. The percentage of Americans giving him a favorable vote has fallen precipitously, from 74 percent when he took office to 56 percent now. He hasn’t had a breakout legislative or’diplomatic victory, and he’s failed to break Washington’s’partisanship as promised. Then last week, an upset Republican victory in the Massachusetts Senate race threw Obama’s signature domestic priority, a sweeping health care overhaul, into jeopardy and shined a spotlight on economic angst now aimed at Obama.

Obama will be using one of the presidency’s loudest and grandest megaphones to press several themes. They will be fleshed out in greater detail afterward as the president travels to Florida on Thursday and New Hampshire on Tuesday for jobs-focused’appearances and when he’submits his 2011 budget to Congress on Monday.

Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell of Virginia will deliver a televised response Wednesday night,’two months after putting his state in GOP hands in one of the party’s major recent election victories.

Among the freshly sharpened messages Obama will weave through his remarks: He’s a fighter for struggling families and against wealthy special interests; he relates personally to Americans’ everyday concerns; he has come far in one year but has made some errors along the way and has much more to do. And he does not intend to fling aside an ambitious agenda on health care, energy, education, immigration and other issues in favor of trimmed-down goals.

In fact, Obama will argue how his sweeping ideas for change are as much a part of putting the economy back on track as more immediate job creation and’economic security proposals are.

‘If we don’t get that stuff right, then it’s going to be very difficult for us to answer the anxieties that people feel over the long term,’ Obama said this week in an interview with ABC News.

Advisers say the president doesn’t plan to reshape his’agenda as much as explaining and defending it:

– He’ll map a way forward for mired health care legislation, facing several options for passage. With each option deeply problematic, White House advisers continued to wrestle with that portion of the speech in particular late Tuesday. Obama planned to acknowledge that the long, messy health care debate has soured many on the idea and he’ll try to make a far-reaching overhaul’relevant and attractive again to voters. ‘We have to move’forward in a way that recaptures that sense of opening things up more,’ he told ABC.

– He’ll talk about why he thinks the nation’s future’economic health also depends on reshaping financial industry regulations to place tighter rules on Wall Street, another immediate domestic priority. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said Obama will detail ‘what he would find acceptable on that.’

– He’ll renew his call for immigration reform, a volatile issue once considered a first-year priority but lately sent to the back burner. Obama is expected to prod Congress to craft a plan to tighten the Mexican border, crack down on businesses exploiting undocumented workers and resolve the status of roughly’12 million illegal immigrants.

– He’ll give specifics on how he believes Washington’s combative, partisan, gridlocked ways can be changed. Obama will call on Congress to address what he’considers to be a dangerous Supreme Court decision that has suddenly changed the rules of campaign finance.