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Foreigners shouldnt have role in U.S. elections

Earlier this month, News Corporation, which runs Fox News, donated $1 million to the Republican Governors Association (RGA), raising questions about its obligation to be an unbiased news source.

“News Corp.’s million-dollar donation to the GOP proves beyond any doubt that Fox is not a ‘fair and balanced’ news organization,” Eric Burns, president of Media Matters for America, said in a statement. “This news makes it impossible to deny that under President Obama, Fox has become an official Republican PR outlet with a front-row seat in the White House briefing room. They aren’t just GOP boosters anymore; they are the GOP.”

News Corp.’s activities hint at foreign manipulations of U.S. politics. The company is led by Australian-born Rupert Murdoch, and the second largest shareholder of the company is Al-Waleed bin Talal al-Saud, a prince of Saudi Arabia.

Al-Waleed has also been linked to the controversial Ground Zero mosque. Vigilant patriots should be alarmed at this.

It’s interesteing that Fox News commentators have continually attacked the proposition of the mosque, while their very employer holds such a connection.

Many argue that America’s enemies hate this country because of its freedoms – the freedoms to say what we want, to build a house of worship and to perhaps have our elections swayed by un-American forces.

With its shady foreign leadership, News Corp. is setting a dangerous precedent if it’s allowed to influence U.S. elections.

Letting such external powers influence whom we elect could lead America to ruins, unless citizens become more free-thinking and open-minded individuals who do not need pundits or corporations to tell them who to vote for or what to protest.

Some may contend that it’s OK for organizations like News Corp. to offer suggestions, much like the Microsoft Office paperclip. But the paperclip can never write a paper, and my experience shows it’s more a hindrance than a helping hand.

With Fox News’ stellar ratings, perhaps a large number of Americans would agree that it’s acceptable for Arabian princes and Australian media moguls to have their hands in our stew, trying to tell us whom to pick as our leaders, but I don’t.

Neil Manimala is a senior majoring in biomedical sciences.