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SAFE Team creates new protocol

When SAFE Team employees reported that their office was infested with pests two weeks ago, the student escort service shut down for a night. An exterminator was hired to check the office, but no sign of pests was found.

Now, the directors of Student Government (SG) have initiated a contingency plan that will help prevent future operational problems.

“The contingency plan is if something drastic happens to the services we offer regarding SAFE Team escort,” said SG adviser Gary Manka. “The plan consists of SAFE Team moving to another location – which that office will then work as a satellite location. With the incident that happened a few weeks ago, we found out that we didn’t have a contingency plan and that we needed one.”

The plan consists of relocating the main equipment used in the daily operations of SAFE Team to a temporary office – either a room in the Marshall Student Center, where the office is located or the adjacent Bulls Radio office.

“The reason why we didn’t move to the temporary office during the pest situation is because the pests that we thought were in the office could possibly be transported to new locations, through items such as our radios because they like warmer areas,” said Nelson Ling, director of SAFE Team. “The overall plan is to help take precautions.”

He said the phones used to answer calls would remain available with the same number when used elsewhere.

Manka said something can always go wrong, but the chances are slim.

“Let’s say, for instance, something happen(s) downstairs – there (is) a flood or bugs,” he said. “We have an alternate location in which we will move the basic equipment, so we can still maintain a high- level quality and service, and transport students during the hours of operation.”

Ling said this is a precautionary step in case a similar incident occurs in the future.

“We don’t know what is going to happen in the future,” he said.