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Four grown-up spring break options

As senior students prepare for their last collegiate spring break, they will have to evaluate how to transition from the meta-adult status theyve held for the last four or more years, into living, breathing grown-ups with nine to five jobs,with benefits hopefully.

A starting point could be spring break destinations, as students get away from the expected Girls Gone Wild style beach scenes, and on to more sophisticated, or actuallyrelaxing spring break vacation spots.

Here are the best grown-up spring break destinations to consider this week.

1.Big city, USA

Its been done a million times tan lines, sun burns, drunken college students and sand lots of sand. The beach may be a little overrated at this point, especially since USF students have lived a short distance from the beach. This year, consider doing something different, like
heading to one of the big cities you have yet to explore. While it may be a little (okay, a lot) colder in New York City or Washington D.C., they are home to some of the most
culturally and historically diverse landmarks and museums.

2.Speaking of history, Europe

While its far more than just a drive away, and it is definitely more expensive, Europe is something that is bucket-list worthy. A fun way to start real life and have a
learning experience, whether you like it or not, anywhere in Europe has the combined offerings of getting a fun and unique, horizon-broadening
experience. Traveling with a tour group is the easiest and usually the most affordable way to see much of what Europe has to offer.

3.Caribbean adventures

So it may not be that easy to quit the spring break beach trip coldturkey. If its simply impossible to tear yourself away from the beach, hop on a cruise line to the Caribbean. The tourist-friendly areas will feel just like home, but visitors can also gain a little bit of a global perspective when venturing out into the regular towns.

4.Skiing/ Snowboarding

As the Northeast gets slammed with the storm named Saturn,plenty of fresh powder or snow, for the southern natives will be laid out with the blizzard. A cheap plane ticket can take you anywhere north of here, and luckily, the TampaInternational Airport isnt too far away. Take the opportunity to flip out seeing fluffy, cold, white stuff fall from the sky, and have some fun in it. This opportunity to learn andexperiencesomething different will require adapting to a new (cold)environment, and will likely givestudents a newfavorite winter hobby besides, of course, going to the beach.