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Zimmerman needs to keep himself out of headlines

George Zimmerman might as well start his own reality TV show.

Ever since the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, the media has had a field day reporting Zimmerman’s every mistake.

Once again, the infamous Zimmerman has made

According to reports from the Lake Mary police, Zimmerman’s estranged wife reported to being threatened with a gun Monday.

As a man who was given a second chance at life by the Florida court system’s not-guilty verdict, one would think Zimmerman would decide to stay under the radar.

Unfortunately, going through a divorce with his wife Shellie seems to have made that difficult for him.

Only hours after the reports of the gun threat, the story took a twist when no gun was found on Zimmerman and his estranged wife changed her story. According to police, Shellie and her father then said they never saw a gun and did not wish to press charges.

To make the situation even more complicated, Shellie claimed she and Zimmerman were arguing about property when he struck her father — something she said she recorded on her iPad, which was later smashed over Zimmerman’s knee, according to the police report.

There was a neighborhood surveillance camera that recorded some of the action, but the footage doesn’t provide much detail, according to the police report.

The fact Shellie made a 911 call, but then did not wish to press charges for any of the actions, raises some questions as to why she called in the first place.

The story continued to get more convoluted when police took the broken iPad to recover the footage and investigate to press charges, despite Shellie’s request to not press charges.

In a Lake Mary police press release Wednesday afternoon, officer Zach Hudson said the police would do just as much work to recover iPad video for any case, but this seems to be a publicity stunt to satiate a media culture that seems to thrive on the drama and personal lives.

A reality TV show may not evolve from Zimmerman’s ridiculous life and numerous encounters with the law, but it wouldn’t be a surprise if, like the Casey Anthony case, a TV movie came out about his chatoic life.

If this were a domestic disturbance case of an unknown couple, it would not make headlines, but because Zimmerman is under a microscope, his small encounters with the law just keep drawing more unwanted attention to himself.