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Improv at USF about more than just comedy


Most people would like to believe that improv is all about comedy. However, Improv at USF’s President Faith Gofton sees it as whatever the individual wants to make of it.

“If you want it to be theater, it’s theater. If you want it to be comedy, it’s comedy,” Gofton said.

A junior majoring in business management, Gofton joined this club on one of her first days on campus. What made her go to a meeting was her previous background in theater and her desire to make friends.

The club is open to all students and members find it to be a great way to kick back, laugh and release their stress. They play games similar to those seen on the popular show ”Who’s Line is it Anyway”, but with a twist involving charades.

On any given meeting day, there are between 15 and 25 members. They don’t advertise much, so they get the bulk of their new attendees from word of mouth.

The club meets twice a week Mondays and Fridays in the Marshall Student Center. It is open to anyone student who wants to relax. They try to do weekly social events on Fridays off-campus as well.

They have been active on campus for five years and, while they focus on their weekly meetings, they also put on special events.  The next one, which will be held on October 12, is called the No Talent Talent Show. It will just be ordinary people doing ordinary things. It will be held in the MSC and the general public is invited to watch and even participate.

“It’s more of an ironic talent show that is a lot of fun,” Gofton said.

On October 15, they will be collaborating with USF’s Fanm Kreyol Club to raise funds for mental illness by putting on a Murder Mystery Dinner. This will be held in MSC Ballroom 3 and will cost $15 per person at the door. Several members from Improv at USF will be performing scenes that fellow members wrote.

Gofton wants to increase the amount of special events that the club puts on. She is in the process of planning other events for this semester, including a spring camping trip.

“I feel college is what you make of it and I want people to have as much fun as I have had,” Gofton said.

Her hope is that when her time here at USF is over, her name will be remembered when you think of Improv at USF.

Students who are interested in joining the club can find more information on Bullsync and their Facebook page.