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Election night watch party ideas

Students should consider hosting, or attending, an election watch party. Hanging out with friends and eating politically-themed food can make the night a pleasant experience. SPECIAL TO THE ORACLE.

Finally, it is here: Election Day. For such a big event, students, and fellow Americans, should consider celebrating it with a blowout. Hosting — and attending — a watch party is the perfect way to end this election season. The goal of this bash should be to bring family and friends together, instead of watching them jump at each other’s throats, and to relieve the tension from this political season.




As most people who have hosted a party before knows, the atmosphere of the event depends on the music. For election night, anyone entertaining guests should make sure to have their political playlist all lined up. Song selections can range from poppy — “Party in the U.S.A.” by Miley Cyrus — to patriotic — “Proud to be an American” by Lee Greenwood. 

If party hosts don’t have the time to make their own playlists, or even if they simply don’t want to, music streaming services offer mixes for just such an occasion, such as “The Election Mix” on Spotify. 

This compilation has songs for everyone and every mood that will be experienced tomorrow night, including David Bowie and Queen’s “Under Pressure”  — for anxious partygoers when if the race gets too close — and The Black Eyed Peas’ “Where is the Love?” — for listeners who are ready for the tension between the two parties to be over.

Fav political show theme


Just because the party is already centered on the election does not mean that hosts can’t have fun with the theme. People can try themes based on popular political shows.

If “House of Cards” is a staple in your friend group, hosts can grill a rack of ribs (even though they probably won’t be as good as Freddy’s) and make a peach-based dessert, such as a cobbler, in honor of Frank Underwood’s home state. 

For fans of “Veep,” order lots of pizza, and hopefully, it makes you as happy as it does Selina Meyer. Don’t forget the Jamaican Rum frozen yogurt, or ice cream, for dessert.

People hosting a “Scandal” election watch party have the shortest grocery list to shop for: loads of popcorn and red wine (maybe sparkling grape juice for the under-21s).


Dress up


To get guests involved in the night before they even step through the door, hosts can suggest a dress code while keeping the night as casual as they wish. Options can include a red, white and blue color theme and masks or just campaign T-shirts.

If the party is more formal, the women can wear pantsuits or bow blouses, depending on their party affiliation, to accompany the men in suits and American flag ties.


Fill in blank map


When the numbers start rolling in, partygoers can keep occupied by filling in a blank map of the U.S. with red or blue, depending on who won the state. This is a great way for students to stay informed, as well as to have fun over the course of the night. They can also fill in the states with statistics or exact numbers if they want. 


#hashtag and social media


Let’s be honest, Tuesday night will be huge on social media. People will be posting statuses on Facebook, snaps of their watch party festivities and even check-ins at their location online. To keep track of specific parties on social media, hosts should come up with their own hashtag. That way, it will be easier to see how much fun everyone’s having and what everyone did when checking Instagram the morning after.