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Court works through grievances


While students continue to wait for the official announcement for the next student body president, the Student Government Supreme Court is making its way through the seven major grievances filed.

This past Friday, the Court dismissed a grievance against president-elect Moneer Kheireddine and vice president-elect Shaquille Kent for withholding information from the Election Rules Committee.

The Court decided that it could not conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that Kheireddine and Kent “knowingly provided false information” in regards to current president Chris Griffin’s position in the campaign.

The grievance cites Griffin as being in an administrative role within the campaign. However, the Court did not have significant evidence that his position was administrative, which caused doubt, according to the court decision.

The Court dismissed a grievance filed by student Daniel Tizzani after lack of response from Tizzani, according to chief justice Milton Llinas.

Wednesday night, the court reviewed requests for dismissal of two grievances filed by Jessica Vanek for destruction or theft of another’s campaign material filed against Ryan Soscia and Logan Holland. As of the time of publication, the Court hadn’t release its decision.

A trial is scheduled for this Friday to review a grievance filed against Kheireddine and Kent for “abusing the official capacity of their position (if an employee of the university) for their own personal campaign.”

The grievance accuses Dika Ezevillo, a volunteer coordinator for the campaign and an orientation leader, of wearing his official USF nametag while campaigning.

The remaining two grievances are still in discovery, with a schedule for the trial being worked out.