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13 reasons to avoid Ybor

As one of the most popular destinations for a big night out, Ybor City teems with USF students every Thursday through Saturday. But considering all the irritating attributes of an evening on the infamous Seventh Avenue, it’s hard to understand why.

The aggravation begins as soon as you arrive at the glorified night spot. Before you hit the clubs, you face the task of finding a parking spot that won’t cost all of your cash.

Depending on the day, it can cost between $6-$10 just to park your car at Ybor, and that is only the first stage of a slow process that usually leaves you flat broke.

The cover charges at the dance clubs are outrageous, especially considering the fact that you may not want to stay in the first club you select. Bouncing from club to club gets expensive when each one wants to charge you over five bucks.

And getting in the door is not nearly as effortless as it sounds. You would think if someone was willing to shell out $7 just for the privilege of standing in some smoke-filled room, they wouldn’t have to wait in a long line to do it.

If you are able to brave the ridiculous lines, the bar becomes your next obstacle. Inside the clubs, it is often nearly impossible to get a drink in less than 20 minutes. Again, it seems to me that a person willing to pay a premium price for a tiny drink should not have to wait.

And maybe the people who are of age wouldn’t have to wait so long to order a drink if Ybor wasn’t so infested with underage teens. When you recognize the girl standing next to you at the bar as your 15-year-old sister’s best friend, the bouncers of Seventh Street aren’t catching enough fake ID’s.

Even if there aren’t underaged teens in the clubs, the dance floor is always jam-packed. It becomes a little hard to dance when you’ve got elbows and shoulder blades jabbing you from all directions. Meanwhile, claustrophobia slowly sets in.

To escape the congested dance floor, some people choose to move up to a platform to get their groove on. The only problem is, the people who take the stage are usually the one’s who should really keep their “sweet dance moves” lost in the crowd.

Like the platform-hogs, people who parade around the clubs with glowsticks in their mouths desperately crave attention. It’s sad when you have to light yourself up like a neon billboard to get people to notice you.

But the bad dancers and raver-wannabes can’t even compare with the girls who seem to confuse Ybor City with a porno video. There is absolutely no reason to use a bandana scarf as a top or a long shirt as a dress.

Wherever you find these half-naked girls, it is almost guaranteed that the guys who make cheap grabs at girls on the dance floor are not far away. Don’t these guys understand that they are supposed to be dancing with girls, not patting them down for weapons?

Equally as aggravating are the people who try to smoke a cigarette or enjoy a drink while on the dance floor. If you have ever been burned by a cigarette or had a drink carelessly spilled all over you in a club, these are probably the Ybor-goers you loathe the most.

But at least these people aren’t maliciously hurting anybody. There are some truly bad people out there who are wrecking any good there is left in a night at Ybor City.

Crime is no stranger to the notorious night spot. There have been incidents where people have been shot, stabbed and mugged.

Unfortunately, there is also always a risk of getting drugged when you are in large crowds where beverages are being served. Someone can slip something into your drink, and before you know it, you have lost all control.

So if you are planning to paint the town this weekend, be careful and stay safe. And unless you don’t mind too many of these 13 irritations, you might want to stay away from the dance halls of Ybor City.