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Letters to the Editor

Guns, real or fake, should not be at USF

Re: “Replica gun, real problem,” by Joshua Neiderer and David Guidi, Oct. 16.

Weapons, real or fake, have no place on USF’s campus.

I am amazed at the number of articles I have recently read in the Oracle about weapons found on campus. Whether the weapons in question are real firearms or replica BB guns, they have no place here.

I cannot believe so many people actually bring these items on campus. With so many events over the past few months on high school and college campuses that involve weapons, you really have got to be crazy to bring them here. It doesn’t matter if a gun is real or if it is fake: If you have a real gun here, there is only one thing that it could be used for. I hope the University Police find all of those weapons before they can be used.

If you have a fake gun, you need to realize there aren’t many people who can identify it as a fake. The UP does, however, carry real guns and its officers would use them in an instant if they thought your (or your friend’s) BB gun was real and you looked like a threat.

There is no logical reason to have real or fake weapon on campus. If you or someone you know possesses either of these, you need to report it to the UP before anything bad happens to them or to someone else. A lot of times a bad outcome may not be intentional, but the fact is, they do happen. Any action to prevent these incidents (such as reporting to the UP) needs to be taken.

Obed Munoz is a freshman majoring in engineering.

The truth matters most in Duke case

Re: Editorial, “No one is innocent in Duke rape case,” Oct. 17.

In your condemnation of the defense attorneys, you stated all they’ve done is discount the legitimacy of the prosecution’s claim. You indicated that this was a weak stance as false rape claims are very uncommon.

Yet earlier in the editorial, you noted that the victim changed her story, and her account of the events differs from that of her co-worker. You denied the existence of any evidence that would implicate the accused and incorrectly stated there is no evidence of forced intercourse. Nurses have said the victim’s injuries were consistent with rape.

Given your earlier reference to the rarity of false rape claims and denunciation of the attorneys, it’s hypocritical of you to also imply the victim is lying. It should be noted that the victim’s co-worker, Kim Roberts, who initially expressed doubt of a rape, has since changed her story too. She now says she and the victim were separated at some point during the evening, and when the victim returned, she was only partially conscious.

Roberts now attests to the fact that “there was opportunity” and that “(the rape) could have happened.”

The stress of the event, not to mention the barrage of questions from many different sources, could have certainly had an effect on her recollection. Taking into account the possibility of coercion from the police and the individual biases with which reporters tell the story, it is understandable that many different accounts exist.

Additionally, I find it laughable that the only fault you found with the accused was that they talked to the police, waiving their right to an attorney. How about the poor judgment they showed in continuing with their party if the alleged victim appeared to “inebriated” when she arrived, as they claimed she had?

Finally, your suggestion that Rev. Barber’s concern about vigilantism is “ridiculous” is unfounded. This case is divisive, highlighting the racial and class tensions still present in American society. If riots can begin over a sports match, then an issue like this can certainly incite violent behavior.

Let’s hope that when this case goes to trial, the jury can look past the issues surrounding it and determine the only thing that matters – the truth.

Krystal Snell is a freshman majoring in psychology.

An obituary for a mentor and teacher

I know the Oracle can’t pick up every story at USF, but I was disappointed when no mention of professor Spencer Cahill’s passing was made last week.

Cahill, a sociology professor at USF for 10 years, died in his home Oct. 6. His wife, Donileen Loseke, another USF sociology professor, was with him when he passed away.

When I signed up for a class with Cahill last spring, I had no idea that he was, in a way, a “sociological legend.” Cahill served as an editor for numerous sociology journals; he wrote books and published countless articles. He referred to himself as a “student of social life.” He observed social interactions ranging from toddlers to funeral directors, and more. His work in microsociology and social psychology had a great influence on the sociology discipline beyond USF.

Drawing on other legends such as Erving Goffman and C. Wright Mills, Cahill created his own style and methods of study. Those lucky enough to spend time in his presence – whether as students, friends or co-workers – have been forever changed and inspired by his work.

It’s important to note it wasn’t just Cahill’s work that inspired me, but his passion for his work, students and academic life. He was, at times, intimidating but was forever caring, truthful and compassionate. Even though he came to work in a suit and tie each day, I know deep down there was a tie-dyed T-shirt-wearing, long-haired rebel kind of guy underneath. He had an incredible sense of humor. He was one of those men who knew how to be brilliant and intelligent, all the while never forgetting to marvel at the world and nature – all in one breath.

Beneath the brilliance and intellect, there was just a man – a man who inspired me and a man who I am thankful to have known. I wanted to write this just to say a public thank-you to him. To the sociology department and to Donileen: Spencer will never be forgotten, and neither will you.

I realize this is probably not a standard letter, but I had to write it. I don’t know if this is an empty gesture or a little too late to make the paper. However, in Cahill’s words, “The gestures we sometimes call empty are perhaps the fullest things of all.” I miss him and wanted USF to know.

Rebecca Willman is a graduate student and teaching assistant in the women’s studies department.

Some are excited about Coulter visit

Re: Letters to the Editor, “Ann Coulter has a right to share her opinion” by Cheryl Ann Little, and “Ann Coulter should not speak on USF’s campus,” by Alex Schneiderman, Oct. 16.

I am looking forward to Ann Coulter’s visit. She is one of my eldest daughter’s favorite speakers. My daughter is an alumna from USF with a master’s in international studies. We are both looking forward to seeing and listening to Coulter.

I agree with Cheryl Ann Little, who said that even if you do not agree with the speaker who is coming, you still should let them be heard. Some people don’t like her at all, yet others would love to hear her. This is where a tolerance for diversity comes in.

I can’t believe that Alex Schneiderman is a mass communications major and is trying to stop someone from communicating.

Diana Cano is a program assistant at the Counseling Center for Human Development