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Letters to the Editor

Thoughtful deeds don’t go unnoticed

“I am elated that your rings are with you! That’s where they should be! What else could I have done with them with a wedding date and a name inscribed in them?”

That’s how Mrs. Jan Ignash, an associate professor at USF, welcomed my phone call Feb. 11 after the campus police had returned my two lost wedding rings that she had found. The rings have been on my fingers for 27 years, and I had put them aside, as I thought, safely to clean my hand. It was Valentine’s week, my wedding anniversary was around the corner, and my husband was in Iraq. My sadness fell to desperate depression the moment I realized that I had dropped my rings somewhere.

I have not met Mrs. Ignash yet; I only know she is an angel from Ukraine, an honest woman who rejected the idea that these rings should belong to anyone else but the person for whom they were created. Every day we read about bad people, but it is uplifting to know that among us are those who help us keep hope and trust in humanity. There are angels whose silent but powerful actions will reaffirm the glorious concept that people are naturally good and want only goodness for others. I have learned that I should never lose faith, or forget prayer, no matter how desperate the situation is. As a colleague recently reminded me, everything happens for a reason.

Thank you, Mrs. Ignash. As I look at my rings, I will always think of you and your kindness. I am a very lucky woman to have benefited from your humanity. May God bless you.

Beatrice Litt is an Italian language professor

Think outside the box about gay rights
Re: “Activist tells story of sexual awakening” Feb. 18

I saw Danny Roberts’ lecture and was pleased about his explanation of the hardships of a gay person in today’s society. I’m a straight woman, but I believe in gay rights. You don’t have to be gay in order to believe in gay rights. It’s unfortunate that in today’s modern world, many people are still close-minded about the gay community. Roberts was right when he said that someone would have to be stupid to want to be something knowing that he or she would be hated because of it. Roberts did not choose to be gay; he realized that he was, and that’s what every gay person would say about him or herself.

Many people are so afraid to think outside of the box. So many people try desperately to be liked by other people for the wrongs reasons. Instead of trying to be popular or trying to fit into a common mold, let’s first ask ourselves if what we are doing is worth anything.

Thinking outside the box, trying to understand someone else’s point of view, learning about other cultures and religions, being myself and expressing myself for what I truly believe I am — these things are worth so much to me.

As we commemorate Black History Month, let’s all be reminded of everyone’s right to live in a fair society, and “everyone” not only refers to race, but also sexual orientation, gender and disabilities. We should all believe that everyone has the right to freely express him or herself.

I am straight, but I respect a gay person’s right to be fairly treated by society. I am a Roman Catholic, but I respect an atheist’s right to believe in what he or she believes in. Let’s look at today’s issues and see how people’s lack of respect to other groups is affecting our world.

Joyce Belen is a junior majoring in civil engineering.