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SG committee to consider new election procedure

A meeting for the Rules Committee will be held in the Phyllis P. Marshall Center tonight at 7.

The committee will rule upon several pieces of legislation and review a supreme court justice nominee.

“There are a lot of bills about the general election in the spring and the changes we are trying to get through,” Rules Committee Chairman Kevin Hettinger said.

One such change is the shortening of the campaign period. Candidates are required to register 60 days prior to the election, but Hettinger said candidates in years past complained that the long campaign took too much time from classes. The committee will consider changing the cutoff to 45 days before election day.

Hettinger said the committee had already moved Election Day to earlier in the spring, before spring break.

Another election issue to be discussed is the hiring of the election rules committee that oversees all SG elections. The supervisor of elections is chosen when the SG senate votes to appoint on of two candidates nominated by the student body president. The rest of the committee is then hired by the supervisor, but Hettinger said this has caused problems in the past when committee chairpeople have simply hired friends to fill the committee.

“We’re looking at the possibility of having these hires approved by some sort of committee, we’re really not sure exactly what at this point, though,” Hettinger said.Hettinger also said the committee would look at clarifying various election rules that are unclear or “too open to interpretation.”

Evita Cheaib, nominated by Student Body President Bijal Chhadva as a Student Government supreme court justice, will be interviewed by the committee. After the interview, committee members will vote on whether the appointee should go before the senate for final approval.

“If we say no, the nominee doesn’t go to senate,” Hettinger said.

Hettinger said the Rules Committee, composed of 12 people, is part of the student senate.

“Whenever there is legislation that goes in front of the senate, the rules committee votes on whether it is properly prepared and if it’s a good piece of legislature overall,” he said.

The meeting will take place in the President’s Dining Hall located on the second floor of the Marshall Center.

Adam Becker contributed to this report.