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Dockhorn leaves USF

Students all across the country were emotionally jolted after the horrible events of Sept. 11. Among those students was then USF sophomore and member of the Bulls? tennis team, Max Dockhorn.

Dockhorn, a native of Germany, withdrew from USF and flew home Monday after days of being emotionally drained by the terrorist attacks on New York City and the Pentagon.

Normally a reserved person and intense tennis player, Dockhorn?s focus faded and he became especially silent during his last days on campus, according to teammates.

?He was a little bit quiet (last week) and wasn?t giving his best,? teammate Paco Antelo said.

?He always gives 100 percent. He decided it was best for him if he takes this semester off and things get better.?

Former teammate and roommate Martin Wetzel said Dockhorn kept to himself and was constantly aware of the ongoing tragedy through television in his room.

Before leaving, he consulted Wetzel, coach Don Barr and a psychologist.

?He felt if we go to war, he?s afraid of a lot more uprising,? Barr said.

?If something happens in Germany he would want to be home.?

Dockhorn, who is very attached to his parents, is an only child and felt he needed to be there to support them if anything should happen on a more global scale.

?He is very, very close to his parents, very sensitive,? Wetzel said.

?He was worried about more terrorist acts in America and also in Germany, but feels more secure with his parents.?

The team is still optimistic about his return and feels if the crisis is resolved and the tension is eased, Dockhorn could possibly return to USF next semester.

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