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Yoda is really the man and Christopher Lee will be soon

I am not a Star Wars fan. I’m aware that I must be one of the few movie-lovers of my generation who can say that.

I mean, I like Star Wars, and I find the films entertaining, but by no means am I the guy who camps out for premieres, or can tell you how Jango Fett fits into the original trilogy.

However, I must commend the marketing tactic for both the DVD release (Episode II comes out today) and the IMAX presentation. The fifth film in the Skywalker series climaxes with Yoda and his light saber, and the advertising is exploiting that fact.

First of all, Attack of the Clones is visually stunning. It can be seen in its full glory at Museum of Science and Industry across the street. The dome screen lends an even greater appreciation to the world George Lucas has created.

Secondly, the atrocious dialogue is almost forgivable, and — gasp–passable, because the epic played on the gargantuan screen really takes you away. But thirdly, and most importantly, Yoda simply rocks.

“Size Matters Not” is the slogan anchoring the banner that hangs down MOSI’s wall, as well as the newspaper adverts used to sell the theatrical re-release.

I’m not sure whether fans who are making the trip to Channelside or MOSI locally, or frequenting large-format screens across the country, will also shell out the $20 for the DVD this week. It may backfire and serve as an overkill.

However, the marketing experts are at least on the right track by reminding audiences that “Yoda man,” as the TV commercials say.

It’s ironic that Yoda fights Count Dooku, played by Christopher Lee, in the biggest scene of the flick. It seems that this guy can’t lose. Lee also plays the bad guy in Lord of the Rings, which will release its second installment next month.

But now, he is getting the most industry talk to replace the late Richard Harris in the third Harry Potter film, due out in 2004. This means Lee may very well headline the three biggest film franchises going.

But until then, fans of the books will see Harris as Professor Dumbledore for the last time, when Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is released Friday.

Another change for HP3 will be a new director. Christopher Columbus will be stepping down for The Prisoner of Azkaban. While talk that current co-star Kenneth Branagh might take the helm next goes around, the plum gig goes to Alfonso Cuaron.

In the third chapter, the kiddies at Hogwarts turn into teenagers. And with Cuaron’s last year’s splash Y Tu Mama Tambien, the director proved he can blend teen topics and humor with the best of them. It’s still up in the air whether Ron and Hermione’s squabblings will rival the sex scenes from Y Tu Mama.

If they do, you can bet the Harry Potter crew will take a page out of the Star Wars marketing manual to put a spin on that one. Cuaron will be walking around repeating, “Sex Matters Not,” while steering clear of Lee off the set.

But hey, that’s just, like, my opinion, man.

Contact Will Albritton at oraclewill @