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Letters to the Editor 1/14

College girls refuse lure of free drinks

“Hey, Ladies. Come out to Ladies’ Night. Ladies drink free.” As if his use of the word “ladies” three times implied he was some sort of a gentleman.

Which part of that advertisement was most appealing to me? Was it the promise of being groped by strange men, the free booze to help me lose any control I might have or, better yet, waking up with no memory of what I did the night before?

OK, let’s start from the top. Let’s say I take his invite. I’ll dress in the most revealing outfit I own and totally objectify my body to receive attention. Why would I do this? Because society tells me that this is who I have to be, and I listen. I won’t be at all surprised when I’m groped on the dance floor by men I’ve never even met, like a pack of wolves descending on a young fawn.

I’ll be lucky if being groped is the worst of my troubles with all these free drinks I’ve had. I wonder why they’re free. Maybe because I’m the bait on the fishing line. Everyone knows men won’t come to these places if women aren’t here. I’m still not having a good time yet; I’d better get more drunk. I can barely stand up. I fall; two men catch me. I see them give each other a high five before I lose consciousness.

I wake up to my porcelain goddess. I feel so empty inside, not because I’m puking my insides out, and not even because my entire last night was a blur, but because my life is really devoid of meaning. When I’m not partying, I’m planning for the next party. I bounce from party to club, from drink to drink, trying to have a “good time,” trying to fill some space in my life, trying to fit in and be desirable. And to what end? Rape? Pregnancy? STD? Overdose? DUI? Death?

Come on ‘Ladies,’ you’re educated college women. One day you will wake up to the reality of the world, and you may even have families of your own. Do you really want the prime years of your life to be spent as a tool of sexual pleasure for strange men? And the next time some “gentleman” passes you a flyer promising you a “good time,” tell him you’re “washing your hair,” and stay home and reflect upon what may be missing in your life.

Aliyah O’Keeffe is a junior double majoring in English and international studies.

Al-Arian has right to live in United States

As an American and proponent of the Bill of Rights, I object to Tim Reno’s unpatriotic suggestion that Professor Al-Arian be fired and deported so that he may continue his fight for academic freedom in “the country of his origin.”

In the first place, Dr. Al-Arian doesn’t have a country, he’s Palestinian. Secondly, he has the legal right to live and work in the United States. The courts, fortified by the noble Constitution, have repeatedly upheld this right, while his persecutors have failed to convict him of any wrongdoing. Lastly, Al-Arian’s struggle for academic freedom is not merely his own. The faculty union is supporting him, and his case affects the civil liberties of all Americans. As Dr. King truly observed: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

History implores Americans to be vigilant guardians of freedom. McCarthyism, the internment of Japanese Americans, and Nazi anti-Semitism were all wars on freedom–in sheep’s clothing. We must ensure that the war on terror doesn’t follow suit. Though I do not endorse Al-Arian’s opinions, he remains innocent until proven guilty.

Unless there is hard evidence against him, he is entitled to be in this country and teach at this university.

Aneesh Karve is a senior double majoring in computer science and mathematics .