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Election Spotlight 2008

How do you balance your obligations with campaigning?

  • Ryan Iacovacci: “It is a matter of discipline and being able to balance. At the beginning of the campaign, I devoted a lot of time – I have been devoting a lot of time to this. Going back to communication, being able to communicate with friends and delegate responsibilities to people: It’s very tricky and takes good friends to keep you aware of your obligations.”
  • Nathan Davison: “Campaigning has been really interesting because since the beginning of this process I am still the Senate President, and I still have to fulfill all my duties and obligations with that … being a student, that obviously comes first … I try to keep a very stringent planner of exactly where things are going.”
  • Nicole Randazzo: “I think it’s all about creating a schedule and sticking to it. I think you need to basically really follow a schedule, make sure you have a time in the day for yourself and for family and friends, also set a time aside for homework and work. Just follow a pretty strict schedule for these couple weeks.”
  • Greg “Butters” Morgan: “It’s tough. Right now, I am on the executive cabinet of Student Government and I still put my duty as director of student life and development before campaigning because I made my commitment to the students, and I swore I would keep that obligation and that obligation didn’t end once campaigning started … I am still very active with my fraternity and around campus, especially with Student Government.”
  • Justin Hall: “I use multiple schedulers. I use Outlook for my work; I use a Gmail calendar for my classes and campaigning. Really, the thing to do is just make sure that I allow enough time for my job in Student Government now because I feel that is the top priority – that and school.”

Platform aside, what is one thing you would change at USF?

  • Ryan Iacovacci: “There has to be communication … We have to pay for our education, and I think that detracts a lot from students’ ability to focus strictly on their education. So I think there is a breakdown in communication from the University to the nation, to the federal government.”
  • Nathan Davison: “I think the pride that the people have in the University. I don’t want people to look at University of South Florida as a fallback school. I don’t want people to look at the University of South Florida as something where ‘I’ll still wear the University of Florida or FSU,’ or something. I want people to come here because they are excited about everything that USF has to offer.”
  • Nicole Randazzo: “I think having more people at events and people enjoying their time here. I think although there is a large group of students who spend time here and enjoy the events and are active on campus, I feel there is a huge amount of students that don’t know where to get involved or don’t know how to get involved.”
  • Greg “Butters” Morgan: “I mean, my platform is short, because it gives a lot of leeway for us to advocate for more stuff when we get the proper information back from the students … We need to have more pride in our school and I think we need to do that by help unifying the campus because I realize we are a commuter school.”
  • Justin Hall: “I would say recycling. I think it is something very easy to tackle. Just to talk to physical plant and make the conversations known. And not only recycling in dorms, but all across campus … I think students want to but they just don’t have the easily accessible opportunities to.”

What is your favorite thing about USF?

  • Ryan Iacovacci: “It’s the diversity. I visited a bunch of other colleges … the diversity here in the surrounding community is different. The amount of Arab and Muslim students we have is unreal. I’ve developed amazing relationships … You have the whole world right here. That’s what really turns me on to USF.”
  • Nathan Davison: “Again, being able to see the progress being made. Being able to see how the University is growing and how four years ago nobody knew what USF was and now USF is all over the news nationally for its research, its athletics. I just like the potential it has and how it’s beginning to capitalize on that potential.”
  • Nicole Randazzo: “I think I would have to say the people. Everyone is so nice here. The professors are really nice, they seem to really care about you and the students are really nice. Everyone seems to have a respect for all the different kinds of people on campus.”
  • Greg “Butters” Morgan: “My favorite thing about USF has to be how diverse we are. Coming from Pennsylvania, there isn’t a lot of diversity there, but once I moved down here, I worked with international students, (and) I worked with multicultural organizations … There are so many people from different places – I love interacting with them every day; that’s what I really love about coming here.”
  • Justin Hall: “My favorite thing about USF…. I wish I could say the fact we are a college town, but I can’t say that. My favorite thing here is just the fact we do have a strong intramural program and that is a good way to get students involved. And also the fact we have as many student organizations as we have that are funded by student government.”

Why did you choose to come to USF?

  • Ryan Iacovacci: “It’s a funny story. I didn’t really have much of a choice. I played football through high school. USF was right up the road – I grew up in St. Pete. It was up and coming. I had some out-of-state offers, my GPA wasn’t strong and my SAT was good and USF – I kind of got in … I realized there was so much more than just athletics or so forth.”
  • Nathan Davison: “I came to University of South Florida for a state competition. I really liked the campus … then my brother came here and when I came and visited him, I took a great interest in the fact that the University was growing … I like the fact it’s still on the upswing … I wanted to be a part of that.”
  • Nicole Randazzo: “Mainly location, really. I went to my first year of school in New Jersey and then my family decided to move down here, and I came to look at the University when they decided to move down here and I really liked the area, so I decided it was for me.”
  • Greg “Butters” Morgan: “I graduated high school from Pennsylvania, so I used to visit my sister who lived in Tampa and I visited a couple schools down here, specifically University of Tampa and USF … It was a big step in my life, but I came down knowing if I came here I could do my best to leave a good footprint on the future of USF.”
  • Justin Hall: “I’m a little bit of a mama’s boy, and I live about 25 minutes away and I want to be close to my family, so I moved here for that reason. I also went here because they have a really good business building and business community and that’s what I want to do.”

Why do you want to be president?

  • Ryan Iacovacci: “I first want to say that this election is not about the position. I said that in the debate. So, yes, it is about being president, but at the same time it’s not. I want to be president because in this position, in Student Government, with so many resources, they have a lot of opportunity to make change, to get connected with the students, to really do something for the students.”
  • Nathan Davison: “I got involved with Student Government and I have been able to just actually see some of the things that students have cared about and see how it’s kind of manifested in actual changes on campus. I see student body president as the next step, the next opportunity to help and just serve the students.”
  • Nicole Randazzo: “I think I can make a huge difference on the campus. I actually care about what students think and I think in the past couple of years the president and vice president haven’t really reached out to students the way that they should have … I am a hard worker, so I’ve an effect on administrators already and I think that I can continue to do that.”
  • Greg “Butters” Morgan: “I want to be president because I think in the past, Student Government has forgotten who their constituents are, meaning that I think they forgot who they serve and I think there has been a lot of pushing agendas that are more personal agendas then what is for the betterment of the student body.”
  • Justin Hall: “I feel the time is now for a student leader to step in and take what’s there and what’s currently been done and take it to the next level, and I feel the way to do that would be to have a student leader that knows the process and also knows what’s been done.”