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Fit to be president

Student body President elect Maxon Victor and his Vice President elect Sameer Ahmed took their oaths of office Monday night at a ceremony in Traditions Hall. There were about 75 people in attendance, ranging from USF President Judy Genshaft and Provost Renu Khator to the friends and family of students in Student Government.

Current Student Body President Bijal Chhadva’s term technically ends May 8 at midnight.Next year’s Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Sherien Bain and Senior Justice, Janine Kremling also took their inaugural oaths.

Genshaft opened the ceremony by praising Chhadva and his vice president Andrew Aubery for their work over the past year.

“Bijal and Andrew have worked tirelessly for the students,” Genshaft said. She especially praised their lobbying work in Tallahassee.

Chhadva and Aubery then both thanked their families and other supporters that have helped them over the past year. Chhadva also offered some advice.

“Don’t forget your students and make the most of this year,” Chhadva said.

Victor and Ahmed were then given a chance to speak to the crowd.

Ahmed told the crowd how honored he felt to be able to be the student body vice president.

“My goal is simple this year,” Ahmed said at the end of his speech. “It’s to leave this school a year from now better than it is today.”

Victor spent much of his speech thanking his mother, who came to America from Haiti on a boat 23 years ago, for everything she had done for him. He then thanked everyone who had supported him on his campaign trail.

Toward the end of his speech he gave an anecdote about a trip he had taken a year ago with his brother. He said their car was stopped by police who had immediately drawn guns on them without saying anything first. They told him that he and his brother “fit the description” of some suspected vandals. He said that night had always stuck in his mind.

“When we were given the results to the election on March 9, I said ‘It feels good to ‘fit the description’ of a leader,” Victor said.