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Nominations for Faculty Senate seats to be submitted

USF will see a rotation in the members of its Faculty Senate following the group’s upcoming elections. A charter organization with 60 members, the Faculty Senate is similar to the Student Government Senate in that it carries many of the same duties and powers, the major exception being that it represents the USF faculty rather than the student body.

The Faculty Senate is permitted to take up issues with anything it sees as problematic at the university. It then forms committees that examine these issues and submits its recommendations to the USF administration.

“Basically, we advise the administration,” said Susan Greenbaum, president of the USF Faculty Senate.

“The Senate does some things that are important,” Greenbaum said. “It is a good way to make your mark on the university and get your issues heard.”

One of the most controversial issues heard by the Faculty Senate this year was an agreement on consensual romantic relationships between faculty and students. The agreement basically set the policy for what “is and isn’t considered appropriate,” Greenbaum said.

When asked what spurned the Faculty Senate to make such an agreement, Greenbaum declined to answer, saying only, “There was a perceived need.”

The Faculty Senate meets once a month to discuss new issues and submit new proposals; however, last semester, they offered just three recommendations.

“It’s all volunteer. Unfortunately, there is no reward for being a member of the Faculty Senate,” said Anne Pipkins, Faculty Senate staff member.

Nominations for the 2005 — 06 USF Faculty Senate elections are to be submitted by Feb. 14. There will be 12 vacancies, eight of which will be in the College of Arts and Sciences.

Nominees must either nominate themselves or be nominated by their peers to be considered for the elections, which will take place later this semester. In addition, the nominee must hold the title of assistant professor, associate professor, professor, assistant librarian, associate librarian or librarian. If elected, nominees are expected to serve out a term of three years.