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Syrian peace dependent on global intervention

After a meeting on Monday with Britains Foreign Secretary, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry spoke to the media about the joint effort to curb violence of the continuing Syrian Civil War.

Though the efforts of humanitarian aid has made a small difference in the war torn country, there will not be peace in Syria until the oppressive and tyrannical government of current President Bashar al-Assad is forced out of power.

The Middle Easts turbulent political atmosphere and the contradicting exterior interests surrounding Syria and its government will only perpetuate the system of civil unrest and fighting that caused the revolution in 2011. Though the U.S. is not in the best financial situation to allow military intervention, it is essential that the U.S continues to rally other world leaders to stop funding the Syrian regimes bloody war with its own people by stopping the flow of weapons into to the country.

If the world is not able to come together to stop the unrest in Syria, then we can expect the conflict to continue, killing more and more people in the process.

The Arab Spring movement reached Syria in March 2011 when many Syrians protested the government after military
personnel tortured students for putting up anti-government graffiti. The government responded by opening fire on demonstrators further spreading the rebellion. Assad continued to crackdown on demonstrators throughout the country, even causing some of his own solders to defect and join the rebels.

The Syrian government continued to add to the rap sheet of human rights abuses, and in November 2011 the U.N. declared Syria a nation at civil war and estimated 60,000 people had been killed.

In order to attract outside diplomatic recognition, the rebels created a unified organization called the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces (NCSROF) in November 2012.

This unification only led to larger battles against the Syrian regime, with both sides adding more people from across the Middle East and North Africa.

Now most of Syria is in limbo between rebel and government control.

The question persists as to how international powers should handle the growing conflict. Russia has been selling weapons to Syria ever since the Suez Crisis in 1956, giving the government a slight advantage, with more sophisticated artillery.

The U.S. has been blocking British and French forces from intervening due to the justifiable concern that any military aid to any Middle Eastern country could eventually end up in the hands of terrorist groups.

What is left is a bloody stalemate.What the U.S. and other allied countries need to do is find a way to stop Russia from assisting the Assad military and giving them more power to commit more atrocities on their own people. The U.S. should continue to send more humanitarian aid and should be working with the NCSROF and the UN to set up peace talks with the Assad regime in efforts to unify Syria again.

Continuing to allow Russia to supply Assad with more weapons will only continue to empower a tyrannical government, laden with human rights violations, to kill more people.