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Backing up B.J.

For many teams across the country, two capable quarterbacks must battle for a spot in the starting lineup on opening day. The Bulls, however, havethe luxury of having two capable quarterbacks battle for thespot of backup quarterback.Through spring and summer practices, junior BobbyEveld and redshirt freshmanMatt Floyd have traded blows,looking to seal the spot behindsenior B.J. Daniels on the falldepth chart.Though Eveld has played13 games to Floyds zero, theredshirt freshman has doneenough on the field to turnwhat could have been a simpleformality into a full-fledged battle for the backup quarterbackrole.Both Matt and Bobby areabout where I thought theydbe, even though Matt had atough start cause of somedrops early in the last scrimmage, offensive coordinatorTodd Fitch said. Both are more comfortable than they were lastyear, and I think it was good forMatt to play against that number one defense and get that ingame experience.With a dual-threat quarterback like B.J. Daniels in thestarting role, the chance for injury is increased.In 2010 and 2011, Danielswas injured in games againstMiami, missing the next gameand allowing Eveld to start. Because of this risk, Fitch says hisbackup needs to be ready atany time.I think both of them need tobe ready to play, in case theres an injury or something, hesaid. Im just trying to getthem both ready to play andsee how it goes from there, he said.Senior running back Demetris Murray, who has seenboth Floyd and Eveld from theplaying field, said both the redshirt freshman and the formerwalk-on are ready to take onthe backup role.Theyve both really comea long way, Murray said. Ithink what theyve learnedfrom coach Fitch in the meeting room is something thattheyre bringing to the field asfar as holding onto the ball andcutting down turnovers, whichis something that comes fromknowing the offense better.In a race that is admittedlyneck-and-neck, neither Murraynor the teams coaches havebeen able to select a winneras of yet. According to Murray,however, the play of Floyd hasimpressed him during springand summer practices.Matt Floyd has really beenthrowing the ball great lately,and, again that is really aboutknowing the offense well andknowing where the receiveris going to be and making theright read, Murray said.Carrying the luxury of beingunable to select which backupquarterback has performedbetter, coach Skip Holtz said hebelieves that the decision willhave to be made on the strengthof something very slight, with practice time running short.Theyre still going back andforth, like they have been allsummer, Holtz said. Matt hasdone some really good thingsand Bobby has done some really good things. Ive said itearlier I think at the end, it willcome down to one play, its sonip and tuck back and forth,that I think itll be just one playthat makes the difference.Just days away from openingthe season against Tennessee-Chattanooga, both Floyd andEveld have refused to allowHoltz to select a better backupquarterback. So much so, infact, that he may have to increase his standards.Both guys have progressedreally well, and theyre bothgood enough to be a backupquarterback, Holtz said. Butwhat theyre battling for rightnow is who could be ready tobe a starter for this team.