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Oracle editors share Valentine’s Day plans

Still looking for ideas of what to do this Valentines Day? Here are some suggestions from Oracleeditors.

It seems many people go out of their way to follow the idea of what Valentines Day is supposed to be, that they forget what it is about. The day is meant to focus on someone you love or care about, which in my opinion should include something you both enjoy as opposed to what society says you should do. With that said, I think my ideal date would consist of some kind of music concert around Tampa. We have a couple of different places to chose from in the area, from bigger places like the Tampa Bay Times Forum to the Ritz Ybor, depending on who we chose to see. Coming from the USF area, we are only about 45 minutes away from the beach, which would make a great place to get some food and eat at an outdoor restaurant, so take advantage of the aesthetics.

Kelsey Sunderland,MONTAGE EDITOR

After a long day of classes, we would meet at Starbucks to grab a cup of coffee and unwind. From there we would walk together through the grassy lawns of MLK plaza toward the Richard Beard parking garage. We would ride the elevator up to the top floor just in time to watch the sun set over the roller coasters of Busch Gardens and downtown Tampa.

At nightfall, Id take my date to the best place for dinner on campus: Beef O Bradys. Its a little pricey, but its well worth it. Afterdinner, I would borrow a DVD from the sixth floor of the library, and request a study room from the main desk to study. By study, I mean spend three hours with my date in my arms watching the DVD on my laptop.
Alex Rosenthal, NEWS EDITOR

My perfect Valentines Day,assuming I had a Valentine, wouldprobably be pretty typical. Having never celebrated theholiday, I usually forget until the daybefore because Ive had no reason toremember. But I digress back to the perfect Valentines Day.

Im a pretty active person, so my day would have to start with the gym. I dont care what holiday it is, you have to stay in shape no excuses.

As far as the rest of the day isconcerned, I think it would be nice to have a homemade breakfast to kick things off, made by me for my hypotheticalgirlfriend. Ill most likely have roses, candy or something nice like that.

Afterward, I think going to the Florida State Fair would be a cool place to go to with said girl. Following a fun afternoon at the fair, my date and I would go to a nice place to eat dinner where I would give a really nice gift, depending on whatever this imaginary girl likes. Later on, she and I can go get ice cream for dessert.

By this time it will be late, so why not end the night watching a movie at home and see where it goes?


As clich as it might sound, my ideal date would involve a night at the beach.

All of the beaches around the Bay Area offer theperfect setting for aromantic night with a special someone. Iimagine taking a walk down the beach andending up at a preset
romantic scene. There would be a picnicblanket big enough for two lying next to a roaring fire. The meal could be as easy or as elaborate as my date would like, but chocolate in some form is a must preferably chocolate-covered strawberries.

Usually when you are away from the city lights, you can get abetter view of the night sky. Its a great setting to get to know someone whilegazing at the stars and listening to the crashing of the waves. The beach is my ideal location, but this is a romantic idea that could be done anywhere that isisolated. The park or the roof of an empty garage could set a great mood as well. If anorganized flame isnt permitted, string some Christmas lights up to help set the mood. Enhance the ambience byloading an iPod with romantic tunes. Itsimportant to remember to bring a couple of pillows to rest your head on while you star gaze.


Why waste time with the roses, chocolate, stuffed animals and artificiallyimposedexpectations on this annual day of glorifiedcommercialization brought to you by YoursTruly, Hallmark, Inc.?

Ideally,if you have a specialsomeone in your life, every day should be filled with surprising proclamations of love and exchanges of sweet nothings.

Instead of caving in to huge corporations pink-red-and-floweryrequests to put their hands in your pocket,invest in the only relationship you can be 100percent sure will last longer than KimKardashian and Kris Humphries marriage your relationship with yourself.

Take a walk at Lettuce Lake orRiverfront Park, pick up a book youve been meaning to read for years, meditate under the stars or find a free yoga class to attend at the Campus Recreation Center.

Or, you know, just find something to do to get your bitter self out of the way of your obnoxiously cute couple-friends, who also deserve to enjoy their day even if they choose to celebrate it with the stupid kind of flowers with pollen that just make you sneeze.


My ideal Valentines Day would start with me making my significant other heart-shaped pancakes with warm maple syrup that I would serve to her in bed. We would skip our classes, call in sick from work and take the batteries out of our cell phones so nobody could bother us.

After that, we would spend a couple hours watching our DVR while werelaxed in bed. After we caught up on all of our shows, we would make BLTs, and then go for a long walk. When we returned, we would spend some time relaxing on the back porch with a glass of wine while we watched thesunset. Finally, we would start making a home-cooked meal that we would enjoy by candlelight, after I gave her a dozen pinkroses and a little gift. Then we would retire to our room to watch her favorite romantic movie, lying as close as we could until the night drifts away.


My ideal Valentinesfantasy involves two men at the same time: one cooking in the kitchen and the other doinglaundry. While the clothes are in the washing machine and the food is in the oven, I would receive a footmassage and shoulder rub from myValentines as they tell me how smart and wonderful I am. A spread of chocolates, cheeses, fruits, wines and freshly baked French bread is a must. Hold the clichd long-stemmed roses as theyll be dead in a week, (and the cat broke the only vase I own) but feel free to purchase a pretty potted plant if one insists on pollinating my house. The entirety of the day would be spent lounging and relaxing as theValentines hustled and bustled about the house.

Danielle Leppo, COPY CHIEF