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Getting the grade with student resolutions


Whether it is a freshman trying to recover from a bad first semester, a senior trying to improve his or her GPA before graduation or any scenario in between, some students may find themselves beginning the new year with resolutions to be a better student.

Here are some resolutions to adopt:


Don’t overload, know your limits

One may try to get through school as fast as possible, without considering what taking five or six classes at a time may lead to. It could mean five or six tests, papers or group projects due in the same week. Students need to be willing to commit 30 minutes to an hour each day for each class in order to excel. Make sure your schedule can accommodate that allotment for the number of classes you sign up for.


Actually go to class — all of them

Many professors try to help students stay on track in this area by implementing grade deductions for those who miss more than a certain number of classes. Though at times, especially early in the morning or after 5 p.m., the thought of going to class and sitting through a lecture may seem like the last thing a student may want to do, the extra effort of going to class will help your grade. And you may learn something.


Mark your own calendar

Canvas makes it easy for students to stay on track and be notified of when assignments are due, especially with the convenient calendar tab that color codes each class assignment scheduled through Canvas. But there are times, when assignments may not show up on the calendar, so it may be beneficial to fill out a planner at the beginning of the semester or program your phone with due dates and test dates to stay on track. There are also free planners for students at the Marshall Student Center.


Actually read the chapters — before class

Though most classes are essentially lectures based on highlights from the chapter, students can find it beneficial to read the chapters before hand and use the lectures as a review or a second look at the information.


Study groups

If a student is not grasping a subject on his or her own, forming a study group to gain an outside perspective can be helpful. This is a great way to make new friends too.


Take practice tests from
the textbooks

Many textbooks offer chapter tests at the end of each chapter. Though completing the tests may not be assigned, or your professor may set his or her own tests, doing this may be beneficial in order to find out what parts of chapters the student understands and what the student may need to spend more time studying.


Get to know your professors

There are many ways a student can benefit by going to office hours. Not only can a student get one-on-one help with a tough area of class to grasp, but the student can also develop an opportunity to become a familiar face to the professor. Cultivating relationships with professors can become beneficial for students who need recommendation letters for graduate school or job applications.


Sleep and eat well

It is so easy to pull all-nighters, especially during midterm and finals weeks. But if students do not wait until the last minute to study for the exams and spread out studying, it is possible to get a good night’s sleep even under pressure. Lack of sleep could lead to many cognitive problems, which could lead to study sessions to be useless. Students should also opt for healthier snack options while studying instead of fried, unhealthy foods that lead to sluggishness and lethargy.