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OPINION: New anti-abortion bill saves fetuses

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham’s new bill is backed by science and the law, and should be passed. SPECIAL TO THE ORACLE/FLICKR/GAGE SKIDMORE

U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham proposed a national 15-week abortion ban to Congress on Sept. 13 explaining why abortion should not be allowed after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Despite the messaging of detractors, Graham’s abortion ban aids mothers and gives their fetuses rights to life based on law and science.

The U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June, ending the federal right to accees to an abortion and leaving it up to the states.

In response, Graham introduced the bill titled “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act.” If this bill is passed, it would ban abortions past the 15-week mark across the country with the exception of rape, incest or threat to the mother’s life.

The bill argues that since fetuses have the capability of feeling pain and are fully formed, they should not be killed by abortion.

Detractors have shown concern over the bill and its further capability of restricting women’s rights. Some people have also questioned Graham’s intentions.

“Republicans introduced a bill that would ban abortion at 15 weeks. Why 15 weeks? Because that’s what Senator Lindsey Graham said he would ‘feel comfortable at,’” U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono wrote in a Sept. 21 tweet.

Students have also voiced concerns regarding abortion restrictions.

“It will make everyone’s lives harder and women will be more on edge and their physical and mental health at risk,” USF senior student Ozge Tutar said in a June 30 interview with The Oracle.

However, abortions are a risk to women’s physical and mental health, according to the bill.

Many women have experienced anxiety and depression post-abortion, according to National Library of Medicine. Other post-abortion complications may include pelvic infection, blood clots and infection, the Lousiana Department of Health states.

Fetuses also deserve human rights.

The Supreme Court has formally recognized that at 12 weeks, a fetus has taken a human form, according to the Gonzales v. Carhart case. This allows Graham to argue that since fetuses are of the human form, they have rights too.

“If preborn children are human beings, then we would have to conclude that the youngest among us have the same inalienable right to life as those who are born,” according to the pro-life organization LiveAction.

While the Center for Reproductive Rights, a pro-choice organization, argues that abortion is an essential liberty, the rights of the unborn are more essential.

The bill uses science to further amplify its argument.

“An unborn child is capable of experiencing pain at least by 15 weeks gestational age, if not earlier,” the bill explains.

It also states how at 12 weeks, a fetus can move its eyes, fingers, hiccup, has fully formed fingerprints and detectable brain waves.

A 15-week fetus will be given anesthesia to help with pain and to make sure it does not react to poking and prodding during the surgery, the bill states.

The 14th Amendment says that no state shall deny any person life, liberty or equal protection. This means, both legally and scientifically, having a right to life also includes the unborn at 15 weeks gestation.

Some political leaders have pushed back against the bill.

“Members of my conference prefer that this be dealt with at the state level,” Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell stated in response to the bill. McConnell disagrees with the national abortion ban this bill proposes.

This bill, despite the backlash, should be passed to protect the lives of the unborn. Children past 15 weeks are fully functioning, they deserve rights too.