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Four ways to exercise without the gym


It is getting harder to ignore the massive amount of evidence behind the benefits of regular exercise. While USF has a well-equipped gym within walking distance of nearly everything on campus, for some, gyms are inherently intimidating and monotonous. 

Figuring out the machines and establishing a routine can be so confusing that it would be easier to give up and try again next week. 

There are, however, ways to get in that crucial regular exercise on campus without having to set foot in the gym. 

The Trailblazing Route 

Treadmills haven’t been around forever. People once had to rely on the area around them to get in their running. 

Since the invention of the car, however, it has become a bit more difficult to find a safe place to run. It is possible to run and walk around campus, but USF has an option for runners who wish to avoid dangerous automobiles, sneaky cyclists and slow moving pedestrians. 

Tucked between the track and soccer field and the tennis courts off of Sycamore Drive is more than 1.25 miles of safe and winding trail for students to run or walk to their hearts’ content. 

The USF FitTrail runs in a loop and includes several fitness stations where students can pause and do other exercises including pull-ups and leg lifts. 

The New Friends Route 

Working out with friends is almost guaranteed to make that vital exercise so much easier, and there is no better way to make new friends than by joining a club. 

Whether you’re interested in rock climbing, paintball, cricket or bowling, odds are there is a sports club just for you at USF. Sports clubs give students the opportunity to learn new skills and compete against other universities around the state. They are also a great way to relieve some of the stress that comes with student life. 

So if you have always wanted to learn how to fence or think wake boarding just sounds like fun, now is the perfect time to sign up and try out a few of the many sports clubs USF has to offer. 

The Great Indoors Route 

It is possible to get in a bit of light exercise without having to leave the comfort of home, apart from opting to take the stairs. 

There are apps available for download, such as the 7 Minute Workout app to help users build and stick to a gym-less workout routine. 

For very little money, students can also purchase low key and easy to use exercise equipment, such as the Iron Gym or a Pilates band to help them meet their fitness goals. 

Dorm dwellers can also use simple domestic items, such as a stepping stool or weighted water bottles for light exercise. 

The Parks and Rec Route 

Riverfront Park is just a quick walk away from the main campus and has several options for students looking to get physical outside the gym. 

Students can gather a few friends and play disc golf or volleyball at the park’s facilities, or student’s can bring their own gear and start up a game of football or soccer. 

The Riverfront Park Challenge Course ropes course allows students and their friends to spend the afternoon scaling to new heights. The park also has canoes, kayaks and brand new stand-up paddleboards available to rent so students can take their exercise to the water.