OPINION: USF, do we really need two Chick-fil-A’s?

While I am a fan of Chick-fil-A, we could make better use of what used to be Pollo Tropical. ORACLE PHOTO/ HALEY WIRTH

Honestly, I’d rather eat less chicken.

It’s no secret that USF is home to a variety of dine-in spots. But that variety is starting to be watered down by fast food repeats.

Pollo Tropical was a great restaurant so closing it down to replace it with yet another Chick-fil-A is a disappointment to say the least.

With that being said, here are three new ideas that I believe would make better use of that space.

A Local Coffee Shop: The Bean Bar Co

On campus coffee runs can feel redundant given the fact that there are two Starbucks at the Library and Pinnacle.

I believe it’s time to actually practice the phrase “support your local coffee shops.”

Replacing Pollo Tropical with Bean Bar Co will bring a splice of life into the coffee options on campus. 

Located on Bruce B. Downs, Bean Bar Co is the epitome of a local coffee shop. This is clear through the music they play, the community they bring, and the attention to detail they place within each cup of coffee. 

It will highlight an independent coffee roaster by giving them an entirely separate building, rather than being tied to a USF building like Kahwa Coffee in the USF bookstore or Buddy Brew in the Judy Genshaft Honors College. 

It will also bring awareness to delicious coffee shops that may have been overshadowed by Starbucks. 

Related link: USF’s decision to replace “cultural icon” Pollo Tropical is disappointing, students say

Bean Bar Co offers various coffee drinks like iced lattes, macchiatos, and cappuccinos placing them as a jackpot for any avid coffee drinker. Their smooth espresso and breakfast sandwiches will be a safe haven for those late nights or early mornings.

Their prices range from $5-$7 for coffee or $10-$15 for breakfast items. 

By placing a local coffee shop like Bean Bar Co in this area, it will give students more awareness of what the USF college area has to offer and allow for more study spots.

I think I speak for others when I say I’d much rather find a new study spot in a local coffee shop on campus than a Chick-fil-A.

A Health Food Eatery: Fresh Kitchen

While Chick-fil-A has good food, I surely don’t feel good after. 

For me, their food is good in the moment, but I typically feel sluggish and ready for a nap afterwards. 

With Pollo Tropical on its way out, why not bring a healthy eatery like Fresh Kitchen in?

Known to hold a limitless array of bowls to choose from including bases, veggies, proteins, and sauces, Fresh Kitchen can satisfy any ravenous college student to any health nut. 

It’s clear they are appropriate for the college scene considering one just opened up near USF on Bruce B. Downs.

With so many combinations to be had, there will no longer be the same choice between the 8-count nugget or Chick-Fil A sandwich. 

Students have begun to feel the effects of the same options presented at Chick-fil-A.

“Even though it may be more convenient and recognizable, being exposed to the same foods 24/7 can be a little fatiguing at times,” said Anthony Garcia-Sanchez, a sophomore in history.

Related link: USF students, your favorite meal could be off campus

Healthy food doesn’t always have the reputation of being cheap. However, Fresh Kitchen’s bowls range from $10-$13 depending on whether you want the six-bowl or four-bowl combination. 

However, considering Chick-fil-A prices, I’d much rather spend $10 on a meal that will leave me feeling full and energized rather than weighed down and deprived of energy.

A Cultural Eatery: Kaleisia Tea Lounge

Pollo Tropical brought the diversity that on-campus dining needed. Brining yet another Chick-fil-A does the complete opposite. 

“I think having two Chick-fil-A’s really limits the culinary palette for students on campus,” said Garcia-Sanchez. “USF is a melting pot of cultures and our culinary options should reflect that.”

It’s time to bring back the effect Pollo Tropical had and bring in a culturally diverse eatery. One that fulfills that need is Kaleisia Tea Lounge, located on Fletcher.

Related link: Ditch the dining hall and start meal prepping

Their dish options include Korean BBQ Bowls, Thai Curry, and Asian Noodles. Not to mention, they are home to the widest selection of teas ranging from Black Tea to Luminescent Moon to Yuzu Matcha. 

Kaleisia Tea Lounge is also known for their array of vegan options. This could easily accommodate students who may not be able to dine at Chick-fil-A.

Prices range from $10-$13 for meals and $3-$6 for teas depending on the size chosen. 

USF continually advertises their unique array of options for students looking for on campus dining. But what can students look forward to when all we offer is a series of chain restaurants repeats?