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Letters to the Editor

Al-Qaida the winner in Spanish election

As most everyone knows, Spain was the victim of an atrocious terrorist attack on March 11. However, even more disgusting, is the results of the elections in Spain on Sunday and the subsequent actions taken by the new government: withdrawal of Spanish troops from Iraq.

What should have happened? Since Spain is a NATO country, the rest of the NATO countries should have all sent bombers, “individually and in concert”, to level Iran, Saudi Arabia and all the other countries that we know support terrorism — consistent with Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.What did happen? In a dangerous precedent, the Spanish people elected an administration without the spine to defend their nation and instead implemented a self-defeating policy of appeasement that makes the French look brave. Congratulations, now al-Qaida and the rest of the terrorists know that you’ll bend over and take it anytime — all they need to do is blow something up. Even though this first attack was unjustifiable, they deserve any more attacks that come their way.

The most alarming consequence of this election is setting the precedent that al-Qaida can influence elections through acts of terrorism, death and destruction. This can, and probably will, lead to a repeat of this tactic by al-Qaida and other terrorist groups. If the Spaniards actually believe simply pulling out of Iraq will remove the target off their back, then they’re as ignorant as they are cowardly. Osama bin Laden mentioned Spain many times in his grievances, long before the Iraqi war. He’s still upset the Moors were finally driven out of Spain in 1492 and wants it back for Islam.

Even France is being threatened by Islamic terrorists, and they have been no friends to the United States, especially in fighting terror. This attack goes far beyond Spain being an ally of the United States. The terrorists will attack any free country and any non-Islamic nation. Their goal is Islamic rule over the entire world. It always has been, and that won’t change.

The only way to defeat terror is to destroy it at its root. It’s just a shame Spain doesn’t understand this. Spain will probably learn the hard way that giving in is not the way to beat terrorism; that instead it shows the terrorists that they win and invites more attacks, but that’s what they get for electing yellow-bellied Socialists. They’ll get their comeuppance, I just feel bad for the 38 percent who voted for the Popular Party.

Nick Finzer is a freshman majoring in computer science.

SG logo controversy does not make sense

I think this “tangle of horns” is getting blown all out of proportion. This last one is a clear-cut case of copyright infringement — The logos are identical.

Yet we kicked students out of running just because they use “horns” attached to their initials? Why? Do we own everything with a horn on it? Copying a logo is one thing, like the one from the Kentucky Golf Club. That was a direct copy, and that club paid for that logo, as we paid for ours. But wait a minute. Check out

Who copied whom here? This company was in business long before there was a USF logo change. Could it be that USF is infringing on someone else’s copyrighted logo themselves?

Who designed ours, and where did their idea come from? Do we have permission from “Truck Expressions” to use their bull logo? Probably not. USF wouldn’t do that. After all, theirs isn’t exactly like ours.

Well, neither was Mike Mincberg and Christi Clements’. Theirs was totally different. Unlike the Faza – Murphy one. Which is exact.

And what about all those bull horns at the football games? Who are they infringing on?

Before we cast stones at our own students, let’s look at our logo again.

Karen Kirby is a staff member in the College of Engineering.

Roads on campusin bad condition

The other day on my trip to USF, I was driving on Elm Street toward Bull Run Drive. I noticed many large potholes, and the road was not navigable without hitting one. My new Nissan Sentra struck a massive pothole on Elm Street, causing damage to my tire and hubcap. The front tire was punctured, and the hubcap was badly scratched. I did not notice it until I was on my way home, where I was inconvenienced by a flat tire.

As if that was not bad enough, the total damage was $45 a piece for two new tires. Remember, you cannot change just one because then you will have mismatched tires. A balance and alignment cost me another $60. The labor was $30 and a replacement factory hubcap cost me $15.

A total damage of $150.

The combination of carelessness and heavy construction vehicles are continually wearing out the roads.

As if the parking situation wasn’t bad enough, now you have to worry about poor road conditions causing damage to your car.

I find USF policies negligent, as these roads needed minor repair at the first showing of wear. Now, they need to be completely resurfaced.

New buildings are constructed before needed parking spaces or resurfaced roads. The newly planned parking garage will not be in place for years as well. As if paying $130 a year for parking fees was not enough.

I request that the administrators of USF ensure that the roads near the Northeast section of USF are resurfaced immediately. How many more times do our cars conditions need to be hampered by poor maintenance of the roads? How many times will it have to take a USF student thirty minutes to find a parking spot?

Vicken Mouradian is a senior majoring in management information systems.

USF not mediocre, but some students are

After reading Mikel Jorgensen’s letter, where he wrote that, “students who are already ashamed of attending an institution of mediocrity,” I had to wonder if USF was mediocre, or the students who espouse that opinion are.

If you choose to attend an institution, which you believe to be mediocre, that begs a few questions. Were your grades so mediocre that you could only get admitted to an institution that you believe to be mediocre? If you chose this institution because of financial reasons, then maybe you’re a person with mediocre integrity.

You should realize that this is a fairly new research I university with a growing reputation. Take the time to read the research projects that some of my professors in the chemical engineering department are coordinating with the National Institutes of Health.

I guess Jorgensen has never realized the national reputation our very own H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute enjoys.

Jorgensen’s letter was written about the Mike Mincberg campaign dilemma. The only thing that I know about that situation is that Mincberg was given the opportunity to take down the signs without penalty. He chose not to listen to the body of government for which he wants to belong.

Mincberg recently said that half of success is who you know. This was in reference to his father, a lawyer, who has threatened to sue the school over this fiasco. I believe we are all adults here and make our own success. It’s time we all stand on our own two feet; not the shoulders of our fathers.

Michael Scholl is a senior majoring in chemical engineering.